View Full Version : Back with brain tumor worries.

10-03-20, 22:18
Hello. I'm sorry to bother. Im just in a state of anxiety and was looking for just well I dont even know what I'm looking for. I just need to vent I guess. So a while back I felt what seemed to be q pea size lump on the upper part of jaw near my ear. Well now i feel it on both sides and am assuming it's not a cancer lump. HOWEVER, in October i had severe vertigo or qtkeqst that's what i think it was. That caused me to throw up. Even the smell of food made me nauseous. I went to the doctor and they cleaned out my ear. I did feel better but it just came back again full force making me sick again. I've had vertigo for a while. But where its at now I feel like I'm in a constant fog. Like my head feels heavy. I feel slightly off balanced.. I'm usually focusing on objects to make sure my vertigo isnt back. I have q poor sleep schedule. Going to bed at 5:30 am and waking up at 1 or 2 PM. But I heard that's a sign of q brqin tumor. That and vertigo nausea etc. The day after my vertigo hit badly my left arm felt weak as well. Another sigh. Then again it may have been because q fe2 nights prior I was stretching my arm to scratch my back and was stretching like that for a short time. Maybe that caused it. I'm a 21 year old male. This worry had me filler with dread as I have a lot of the symptoms for a brain tumor

11-03-20, 21:34
Hello. I posted earlier but I'm not sure if it even posted so I'll try again. I'm 21, and male. and have worries of a brain tumor. It started when I felt a pea sized lump on my jaw/skull near my ear. Now i feel it on both sides so I'm assuming it's nothing. But I had really bad vertigo a few days back that caused me to get sick. It was like so bad i threw up. I usually have vertigo but the last time i had it that bad was in like late October. Now i just feel off balance and just tired and nauseous. My left arm feels weak and my fingers were twitching. I was stretching to scratch my back prior to that so maybe it's that. Also I'm tired during the day but awake at night and cant fall asleep. I am able to now fall asleep at 10 and wake up at 2 but I dont fall back to sleep until 5 or 6. But idk. I'm just worried I have a brain tumor and dont know what to do to ease the anxiety.

11-03-20, 21:40
Is your brain inside or outside your skull?

11-03-20, 21:43
Well inside but as I said above I'm pretty sure that lump is apart of my anatomy at this point.

14-03-20, 22:43
I posted twice and only one person saw the post and dismissed my symptoms and I got nowhere basically. About 7 months ago I felt as if I was gonna pass out. It happened on and off for a week then went away. I lost all sense of everything and just kinda blinked. My body got hot and it felt like I was gonna pass out. It only lasted like 5 or 8 seconds. It came back yesterday night. My left thumb twitches when I bend it slightly. Typing this is kinda hard since myeft thumb is twitching. I've had a headache for the past few days. Ibuprofen isnt helping. It only comes when I move my neck and when I cough or sneeze or laugh. I had terrible vertigo a week or so ago. The whole room was spinning and I felt sick. I threw up as well. I've had vertigo on and off for a few years but not as bad as a week or so ago. After the vertigo went away my left arm was weak. It may have been from when I was stretching before but I'm not sure. Plus my left thumb is twitching like I said. My balance has been off and I feel terrible. I also have been sleeping terribly. Like I'll be tired at 10 and fall asleep then wake up at 2 and be wide awake till 6 then fall asleep and wake up at 1 or 3. And im tired all day and awake all night. I'm afraid it's a brain tumor. My signs and symptoms all point to it. I'm a 21 year old male. I read that a woman was misdiagnosed with vasovagol syncope and it turned out those brief fainting or near fainting episodes that happened were called complex partial seizures. I fear my doctor may have missed diagnosed me and now I've had a brain tumor for awhile. This worry is killing me and I just wish some people on here could help me out. I have an appointment in like a month as that's the earliest my doc can see me but on just so worried I'm not gonna live a long life. If anybody can please help me through this I'd be so thankful.

14-03-20, 22:46

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

Gary A
15-03-20, 15:06
I posted twice and only one person saw the post and dismissed my symptoms and I got nowhere basically. About 7 months ago I felt as if I was gonna pass out. It happened on and off for a week then went away. I lost all sense of everything and just kinda blinked. My body got hot and it felt like I was gonna pass out. It only lasted like 5 or 8 seconds. It came back yesterday night. My left thumb twitches when I bend it slightly. Typing this is kinda hard since myeft thumb is twitching. I've had a headache for the past few days. Ibuprofen isnt helping. It only comes when I move my neck and when I cough or sneeze or laugh. I had terrible vertigo a week or so ago. The whole room was spinning and I felt sick. I threw up as well. I've had vertigo on and off for a few years but not as bad as a week or so ago. After the vertigo went away my left arm was weak. It may have been from when I was stretching before but I'm not sure. Plus my left thumb is twitching like I said. My balance has been off and I feel terrible. I also have been sleeping terribly. Like I'll be tired at 10 and fall asleep then wake up at 2 and be wide awake till 6 then fall asleep and wake up at 1 or 3. And im tired all day and awake all night. I'm afraid it's a brain tumor. My signs and symptoms all point to it. I'm a 21 year old male. I read that a woman was misdiagnosed with vasovagol syncope and it turned out those brief fainting or near fainting episodes that happened were called complex partial seizures. I fear my doctor may have missed diagnosed me and now I've had a brain tumor for awhile. This worry is killing me and I just wish some people on here could help me out. I have an appointment in like a month as that's the earliest my doc can see me but on just so worried I'm not gonna live a long life. If anybody can please help me through this I'd be so thankful.

What did your doctor diagnose you with, if you don’t mind me asking? What you’ve describe sounds more like a problem with your inner ear than anything linked to the brain.

As far as a brain tumour, you can safely cross that off your list. Your vertigo, if caused by a tumour, would be severe, unrelenting and above all, progressive. It would only get worse, in other words.

Doctors have a few ways of differentiating between central dizziness, caused by the brain, and peripheral dizziness, caused by a problem within the ear. Central dizziness will actually cause you to physically fall or lean to one side. Peripheral dizziness merely gives you the sensation of dizziness rather than actually physically falling or stumbling.

I personally believe you’ve got a minor problem within your inner ear and this is causing you to be anxious. Put those two together and you’ve got some pretty uncomfortable, but perfectly harmless symptoms.