View Full Version : I don’t know what’s wrong with me

11-03-20, 03:57
Hey all!
I’m an old member, but I forgot my username and password. And the email to that account also is invalid now.
Haven’t been on here maybe in 2 years. Something like that.
I have been struggling with my HA this whole time just not as bad as I have it right now.
What I feel is this:
Strong emotions that make me feel like I’m going to go insane at the strength it comes on. And I get a painful throat for trying to suppress said emotion.
Throat always feels like it’s going to close up.
I have trouble talking: I stutter, forget my words, mix up my language (I end up speaking Spanglish), my voice cracks because I always feel like I am on the verge of crying or losing it.
I am always clenching my jaw my teeth are falling apart. I have had to break, and I have some with stress cracks.
I have issues with my vision: floaters, tunnel vision, blurred, double.
I get this numb tingling sensation around my forehead.
I have trouble typing lately. I mix up simple words, I type gibberish or I type a sentence but it’s like I thought I wrote down part of it when I didn’t.
I have become extremely clumsy.
Have issue bring words to my mouth.
Chest: I feel butterflies in my chest about 75% of my day, pains, pressure, tightness.
Heart: tachycardia, skipped beats, pounding heart I feel it in my neck and upper back. And lately when I have tachycardia it feels like maybe my bpm are high and it buzzes.
Hand and feet go numb and tingling easily. Laying on my back makes my arms go tingly. I have my foot flexed like when driving it starts to tingle.
Dizziness, loss of balance, I could be washing dishes and I feel like my legs are trembling to stay up. And lately if I stand for too long I do get short of breath, shaky and I lose my balance.
Ears feel like they’ll pop sometimes, and I also get this pressure, I can’t stand loud noises my ears vibrate to the loud noise, I hear: clicking, thumping, ringing, buzzing.
When I hear cars or planes passing the house I get this weird buzz throughout my body it’s like my whole body vibrates to the sound. My ears feel like they tremble. Earlier I felt like I was going to go insane with the buzz/vibration that I feel in my ears.
Throat I get these spasms that make me feel it’s my heart.
I feel like I’m always trembling.
Legs feel weak.
Fingers get stiff and clumsy.
Thoughts are always racing that I can’t concentrate on what I am reading or saying or hearin.
I had an episode the other night we’re I went through a few emotions, 5 seconds each and repeat and it made me feel suicidal, thanks to this night I have no support from my husband, he said I can just stop this. If I could I wouldn’t be having anxiety.
I have been getting super emotional easily. I am on my period right now so hopefully it’s just from that.

My thoughts on these symptoms having me thinking I will die from them. I have type two diabetes, I was diagnosed last year when I was about to go into ketoacidosis. That was one of my fears I remember talking about on here and it came true. I was avoiding sugary crap thanks to this fear, but what I didnt know was there’s a bigger picture to it and I needed to watch out for the other bad carbs. So I found a support group and they recommended I start keto. I did and I have lowered my glucose levels. My A1c has dropped. 7.6 % to 6.0% and I have to go soon to get it done again. It’s been great the added bonus was I lost 40 lbs. I started in October. So what I think is maybe it was a rapid weightloss that has me unable to cope or the fact that with keto you have to be careful with your electrolytes, and for a while I haven’t been drinking them, cause I doubt I get everything through the foods I eat even though I try to get everything just through the diet. I feel like if I am low on my electrolytes that I will over exert myself and I will have a complication come from that like cardiac arrest or arrhythmia. And the other thing I fear because my symptoms do match the symptoms list for it, and that’s thyroid issues I have a almost all from both hyper and hypo, BUT it’s also on the list of ANXIETY. I am having trouble coping with my anxiety this time around. That’s why I am like is it because of the diet change, weightloss, and stress?
They say keto is supposed to help depression and anxiety but I just feel like I’ve gotten worse.

11-03-20, 04:06
Also I’d like to add that: my symptoms did get worse, after hearing about some deaths that hit pretty close to home. Lady my age, diabetic, and the way she passed (it is a way I fear of dying) was very traumatic. And there were a few more deaths after her that left me feeling I am next. This really missed me up, I tremble, stutter the most when thinking about this.
And like clock work every night at this time 9 pm I start trembling with cold even though it’s warm here. They tell me it’s anxiety. I tremble to the point I think I will cause a heart attack to happen. And I become mute. I have to force myself to really talk. And even then it sounds so strained.
And sorry for such a long post. But I need someone to talk to.

11-03-20, 08:18
Also I’d like to add that: my symptoms did get worse, after hearing about some deaths that hit pretty close to home. Lady my age, diabetic, and the way she passed (it is a way I fear of dying) was very traumatic. And there were a few more deaths after her that left me feeling I am next. This really missed me up, I tremble, stutter the most when thinking about this.
And like clock work every night at this time 9 pm I start trembling with cold even though it’s warm here. They tell me it’s anxiety. I tremble to the point I think I will cause a heart attack to happen. And I become mute. I have to force myself to really talk. And even then it sounds so strained.
And sorry for such a long post. But I need someone to talk to.

Hi Reyly, welcome back to the forum, unfortunate that we meet under these circumstances.

A lot of what you describe are very familiar to me, and it’s not unusual to experience any or all of them with anxiety.
I do wonder though, what are your sugars like during the worst of these episodes? Are you generally finding that you have tight control? (All of one side of my family are type two diabetics too)

Positive vibes,


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-03-20, 10:30
Hi Reyly, welcome back to the forum, unfortunate that we meet under these circumstances.

A lot of what you describe are very familiar to me, and it’s not unusual to experience any or all of them with anxiety.
I do wonder though, what are your sugars like during the worst of these episodes? Are you generally finding that you have tight control? (All of one side of my family are type two diabetics too)

Positive vibes,


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I have been checking every time I have a really bad episode. And it’s always within a normal range. I’m always in the 80s-90s mg (4.5-5.0 mmol). The first massive attack that sent me to the ER with my meter it said I was 86mg. And the EMTs meter said 124. By then panic was high and they do say it goes up with stress.