View Full Version : Symptoms advice...........long post!

09-10-07, 09:36
I've suffered with wibbles for approx 15 years & thought I'd finally sorted it out through a course of hypno anailasis (which cost a small fortune!) It started with wibbles (my word for panic attack) when I was due to fly & then turned into travel in general. Then they disappeared for a few years & came back with a vengence approx 5 years ago. I have to attend a lot of quite high profile social functions & used to get really anxious beforehand, feeling, sick, dizzy, upset tummy, tearful. Never the usual symptons of not being able to breathe & thinking I was dying. I knew the feeling would pass, but while it was happening, it used to really p*ss me off & I used to get mad with myself. Anyway I found a fab hypnotherapist (if you would like her details, pm & I'll pass them on) & had a course of therapy. Got rid of a load of baggage & really thought I'd beaten my 'problem'
Well now I'm fine with attending large functions & meeting important peaople, but when we go out with friends of even have friends round for dinner, I can be sitting there laughing one minute & then bam, it's like a light switch is turned on & all of a sudden, I need to go to the loo, very quickly (won't be graphic, but I'm sure you know what I mean!), sort of botty clenching stuff. I then start shaking, feel sick & get very cold for about 2 hours. And can't stop shaking. If I'm actually sick, I feel a lot better, just really tired. I've been to the doctor who says there is nothing physically wrong with me (had lots of blood tests etc), but there is nothing they can do apart from prescribe me beta blockers to take before going out socially. I really don't want to take these as they can make you feel light headed & faint & that is part of the problem.
does anyone think that my wibbles for some bizarre reason are back & I'm in denial? It's just that they don't feel like the ones I used to have & why would they happen (if indeed they are wibbles) when I'm socialising with friends & relaxed & happy? Any advice would be greatly helpful.


fork n knife
09-10-07, 18:28
Hi Tiggs,
In my experiences (wibbles) can strike at any moment and the symptoms
can differ.i used to get panic attacks when i felt happy and good by good
i mean not suffering the usual symptoms.Good days were very rare for me
so when i did have them i couldn't believe it i was puzzled by it.I kept
getting this niggling feeling at the back of my mind that it wouldn't last
and those nasty symptoms would be back.Guess what? They did.
Instead of enjoying the rare moment of feeling good i was being negative.
If you were having any negative thoughts at the back of your mind
when you were enjoying yourself this could explain your (wibbles) at that time.

hope this is of some help.

all the best