View Full Version : What do you lot think

09-10-07, 10:38
Ive recently been seeing a lot of this guy who i like a lot. It was only supposed to be a bit of fun i.e go out for a few drinks or to the movies but things i think have progressed. He came to mine whilst i was at work on Sat and he kept saying he wanted to tell me something. We had a few drinks and he told me he's fallen for me. The next morning i just played it off that he'd had a few to many which he agreed but he said he hadnt forgot what he said.
On Sunday i had a few glasses of wine and text him and said i had started to fall for him, he didnt reply til the following day and we both didnt really chat about it. Last night i went to his he cooked me tea etc etc but we still didnt approach the subject just kind of fell asleep. This morning on the way to work he said for me to call him when i wanted to go and see him. I dont know if this is because of my reaction when he told me on Sat.

Now i dont understand what he means by this just wondering if you lot can either advice me its really getting me down and making me anxious as I have no idea what to think. All i know is I really like him a lot and the more time i spend with him the more feelings i have. How do i approach the subject with him, do i just sit back and let it develop or do I just tell him again how i feel.

Any advice would be appreciated. And i apologise for the essay x