View Full Version : Bad day

09-10-07, 13:34
Having a bad day...its been a year today since my stepmum died suddenly, feeling really down..

We all went to visit the tree we bought her with a plaque this morning, was nice but felt really weird like depressed, usually when im there i feel calm but i think maybe today was all a bit too much. My boyfriend came with me and we went to his after for lunch and i was being really snappy with him, i went like this anyway a few weeks ago where i went through a bit of a depressed phase where i couldnt trust him and am worried it has come back but am hoping it is actually just today cos of the day it is cos i suppose im bound to feel weird, its all new to me tho so i dont know! I've been feeling really good this week as well but now im sat at work feeling miserable, not even thinking about my step-mum tho, more thinking that ive got no life and worrying that my boyfriend is going off me etc, worried now that ive gone back to how i was a few weeks ago :s

09-10-07, 13:47
:hugs: Beauty:hugs: :hugs:

Hang in there hun you are just having a off day. Please know that you aren't alone here and we all go through this. I know that I do, but the next day the sun rises and we have just keep moving forwards.

You can make it through this, just take some deep breaths and relax some hun.

Take Care
Believe:hugs: :flowers:

I Believe that We All Will Get Better

09-10-07, 13:54
Thank you so much believe thats cheered me up hearing your kind words : ) Just wish i wasnt at work, feel kind of like im going to cry but i know i wont lol youre right il prob feel fien by tomorrow, was probably just stressing me out more than i thought knowing its been a year xx

09-10-07, 14:50
:hugs: Beauty

Luv Kaz x x x

09-10-07, 15:05
thank you xxx

09-10-07, 16:02
Yes youre right Nigel, i think its cos ive never lost anyone close to me before and i guess i never understood the anniversary things before untill now.
Feeling alot better now ive accepted that the chances are it is just today that il feel this bad xxx

15-10-07, 14:53
Update...you were all right i felt fine the following day and have felt fine since, so it was just because of the day...i never understood it before tho like just cos its been a year since it happened why should that matter or make it harder on that day? but somehow it does!
Thanks for your support everyone xx

15-10-07, 18:32
Aww Beauty

Glad to hear you are feeling better hun:hugs: , its understandable why you where feeling like you where.:)

Love and hugs

16-10-07, 12:29
Wanted to send http://www.boomspeed.com/1631951/hugs05.jpg

Glad you are feeling more positive now.

Take Care,

Love Pip's X X

16-10-07, 12:43
Glad your feeling better Beauty :hugs: xxx