View Full Version : Terrified I have pancreatic cancer

12-03-20, 10:22
I have numerous threads here about this but basically I've had pains in my right upper quadrant for about 3 months. I get pains in the very top of my right side stomach/chest that I also feel in my back.

I have a good dr and she knows me well and knows my anxiety. I've gone through all the cancers and she said absolutely get cancer out of my head. I am 41 and female. She said theres no need for bloods and she will send me for an abdominal ultrasound and the most likely cause would be my gallbladder/gallstones. That appointment is on the 20th and I've been waiting about 6 weeks for it. I've been on laprozole for a couple of months to help with indigestion/reflux.

What's worrying me is that 3 people have told me I've lost weight. I've not tried to. I have been eating slightly healthier but nothing that would make me drop weight. The pains in my chest/tummy come and go and ill have days where it doesn't hurt but for the last week it's started up again. I have noticed that in the last week or so I've started to feel the fear and anxiety creep up on me again. I work in legal and the NHS is our client so we are constantly getting updates about coronavirus and it's obviously adding to my anxiety. I've been waking up in the mornings not wanting to get out of bed through fear of the day and I am so accustomed to anxiety that I know I have felt it rising recently.

I am just so worried that I have PC because of the nature and location of the pain and now the fact I've clearly lost weight. I'm eating and drinking as normal and toilet habits are normal and no odd colours. I'm also constantly checking my eyes for yellowing. I think they look normal but then, how obvious would it be.

Is anyone able to offer me some support/wise words? I'm really finding it hard to function at the moment through the panic.

To the web administrator- please dont move this post into my others as my latest posts get missed.

Thank you

12-03-20, 15:49
Hi Honeyskye,

I have been having stomach related anxiety for the past month or so, the same pains you describe.
I was also flashing my phone torch into my eyes to check them, so you are not alone there. I can't tell you what you do or don't have.. I'd happily bet my life that you don't have any kind of cancer, let alone PC. (If that helps!)
I went to the hospital a few times in tears, multiple dr's appts. I've had indigestion and reflux which has been very uncomfortable. I believe we have two things in common... having anxiety, and, not having cancer! :D

P.S - Don't forget your anxiety alone could be causing the weight loss.. OR.. the people saying you've lost weight could be completely mistaken.
I had two people tell me I looked as if I'd lost weight, I weighed myself and I'd actually put weight on... When I'm anxious my face does look a little more gaunt due to not wanting to wear any makeup and eye bags, maybe they are commenting on your face alone.

Take care

12-03-20, 18:10
Another PC thread. I'll say what I said last time

Firstly, PC is incredibly fast, you wouldn't be writing on a forum, you'd be seriously ill.

Second, you've been told off a trained medical professional to get cancer thoughts off your mind

Thirdly, at 41, the chances are minuscule

Fourth, PC presents on the left or centre, and is constant, not on and off

Lastly, anxiety makes you lose weight, regardless of how you eat

13-03-20, 08:38
Thanks for your replies.

Wilky - I've read it's right side pain for PC but you said left?

13-03-20, 09:03
Hi only a week to go before you have the ultrasound, which will clear up the issue for you. You don't have PC, you have none of the symptoms. Stomach pain left, right or centre is likely stomach/digestive issues caused by fluctuating acid levels or as your Dr said gallbladder issues. I had this scare last year and had (and still have) a blood marker (raised enzyme level) indicating a possible pancreatic issue. Two scans proved that my pancreas and surrounding organs were just fine.

I still get stomach issues from time to time which can be stressful.

Take care

13-03-20, 17:46
"I've read" the most used phrase on here.

The pancreas sits under the left side of the abdomen

I've read the world is flat and the moon landings were faked. Doesn't mean it's true though

13-03-20, 17:52
To the web administrator- please dont move this post into my others as my latest posts get missed.

Thank you
Please add to previous threads and not create new ones. Thanks

13-03-20, 18:23
Please trust your doctor if she rules something out :hugs: