View Full Version : I can’t stop panicking

13-03-20, 13:51
Hi All

Ive not been on here for many years, I was doing so well I’ve even got married. But unfortunately since Christmas anxiety has come back like a sledgehammer. Last week I was actually feeling better though, I had upped my medication dose but still had the need to use diazepam so decided with my doctor to go 10mg more now I don’t know if that’s the reason or it’s just me but I’m panicking non stop, racing heart, shakes, dry mouth and my head is just a mess. Im struggling to eat too as I feel so sick. I know everything with the coronavirus is worrying me, not the getting it, more the impact on general life I think.
I just can’t stop panicking and I don’t know what to do for the best.

13-03-20, 14:43
Hey Jen,

Its a horrible place to be isn't it, when the real endless panic attacks strike, and you can't seem to get ontop of them or use your usual methods. I'm not sure if you are saying that the change has started since you upped your med dose, or if it started before upping the dose ?

13-03-20, 15:48
i was very anxious before but since Tuesday it’s been wave after wave of panic so I’m hoping it’s just upping the dose that has done it

13-03-20, 15:57
I don’t know about the drugs so can’t comment really.

But, I know how scary life is at the moment for everyone - not just people with anxiety!!

Do you have any relaxation methods that used to work that you can try again? Clearly you can beat this as you did it before, and maybe just writing about it has helped.

19-03-20, 03:14
Use a deep breathing techniques it is very helpful! I hope it will work for you...

15-04-20, 14:00
Panicking was really a big problem for my friend. He was totally hopeless by his response to daily situations and their effect on his life. The thing which helped him was changing in his daily routine and workout. Doctor advised him to spend time with nature and try to stop overthinking about anything. Exercises and daily meditation are strongly related with the chemicals in our brain. So our brain changes as the time pass, that's neuroplasticity, so as time passed and he changed his lifestyle. His anxiety, stress and depression improved, and now he is living a happy life.

15-04-20, 20:17
Hi Jen

I'm feeling exactly the same as you at the moment. I've not been on here for a few years either, and am not on any meds. My biggest problem this last couple of weeks is struggling to eat. I feel sick just thinking about food, but I do try hard to eat a few mouthfuls. My worries are similar to yours too. I would like to be like other people and just be normal and not worry 24/7. I hope you soon feel better, and know none of us are alone feeling like this.


18-04-20, 21:10
There you go Jen my playlist off YouTube check it out see if you find the same comfort i found in it ������.

Best wishes..



18-04-20, 21:22
Oh one more thing, if my friend helps you out listen.. this person is a life saver and has been here for years and the name is Carnation..

Keep your eyes peeled..

Much love to you all ❤️