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View Full Version : Worried about corona

16-03-20, 04:30
I'm a lifelong hypochondriac, so of course I'm worried about the ongoing pandemic.
Even though I pretty much stopped leaving the house in the name of social distancing. Like, my boyfriend's work hasn't closed, and I kissed him last week. Ever since then, I've been tracking my symptoms and the days that have passed, checking in with him and making sure he's not sick. I have what I think are allergies (I get them in spring, and I'm just getting a scratchy throat, some postnasal drip, occasional coughing), but I'm going crazy checking over and over that I'm fine. How to deal with health anxiety when there's actually something to worry about?

16-03-20, 05:09
I think alot of people are worried about "what if" they have it. Heck, that was me a few days ago. It's hard but we all need to remember that the majority of people beat this virus and move on. I'm sure its just your allergies. Mine get bad this time of year too. You will be fine. Just block news websites on Fb and keep off Google and this will be over eventually