View Full Version : is it possible...

09-10-07, 20:39
hi i was speaking o another member in chat and if its trus i think it makes a lot of sense and is probably behind ALL my problems, like my eating disorder/body image thing, maybe the panic and all my phobias and probably my attitude in general.

so is it possibe i WAS actually bullied as a kid at school and elsewhere and never even realised. like i said it would make a lot of sense. but i dont think i was. i cant even really remember anything from then and only have one vivid memory of little school which wasnt pleasant but seems really stupid.

can anyone help me?

09-10-07, 20:50
Hi joel,

Well, don't know if this will be much help but I work in school and see quite a bit of what goes on between young children.

I suppose it is possible that you may have been bullied and you've blocked it out of memory in order to protect yourself.

It's equally feasible that you didn't experience it either, and so there are no memories anyway.

We all have memories of things that have happened to us and some are more vivid than others, for whatever significance they may hold.

I don't know if it might cause you more distress if you think that you may have suffered from bullying, when in fact you may have not.

Anyway, I'm not a psychlogist so I think if you really want to pursue this avenue of thought it might be best to consult someone who is professional - if only to put your mind at rest?

Sorry if this hasn't been much help, have a hug anyway.


09-10-07, 20:55
couldnt have said it better myself *cuddles you joel* I hope it becomes more clear to you xxx

09-10-07, 21:04
i dont know about the memory thing cos like i said i dont remember.

i dont think i was. at least i dont want to think i was to be honest.

i dont know. like i said it would make sense.

09-10-07, 21:28
you know what ive been thinking about it and its set me off again. i think she was right. i feel stupid for not realising all this sooner. i think its really does explain everything.:weep:

im sorry that i come across as so hard all the time everyone. i really dont mean to. i just think i know why now:weep:

09-10-07, 21:43
Joel - are you seeing a professional whom could help you?

This is going to sound hard but I don't want you thinking "Yes all my issues are related to bullying" cos' if they aren't then things will not be resolved.

And also if it is caused by the bullying and your mind has blocked it out - then there is probably a very good reason why it is blocked and will need good help to go through the reasons why.

hugs xxxx