View Full Version : I thought I was over this

17-03-20, 16:19
Well, Didn't think I would be back in just 7 months time, I do know that part of it is HA but another part of me thinks the worst I'm currently having salivary gland cancer fears. Basically I have hard mass that seems large, where I think my submandibular gland is It feels a little moveable I think. I feel some pain in that area when I swallow or try to spit, the pain lingers and creeps up to my tongue where I noticed a small lump under my tongue on the salivary gland on the floor of my mouth... None of this really started to make it's appearance until Friday night when I was eating Chinese food Now it has been persisting since then, I wake up in the morning and I usually don't feel anything, but after about half hour to an hour it rears its head, and I start feeling it even when I'm doing nothing or swallowing, it doesn't interfere with swallowing just causes some pain. It has also caused my teeth to start hurting very slightly, I don't want to jump on the cancer wagon, my brain is telling me I have either a blockage in the submandibular gland or an infection. But because of my anxiety riddled brain I can't help but think the worst and the worst is the C word. I haven't googled any of my symptoms, but because I googled in the past it still hangs around and the want to Google is great.

.A pain that is persistent through out the day that is
.Left submandibular is inflamed feels like a hard mass is in it
. Not thinking cancer because that type is really rare but still lingers because of my HA
. Assuming it's either blockage or an infection
. Even though just literally had a physical before all this started am making an appointment to see my gp again to get whatever it is.
. Will not google nor trust what Google has said in the past.

17-03-20, 16:27
I am able to see my doctor tomorrow morning right away.

Keeping positive thoughts

18-03-20, 07:46
I hope everything will be okay. I have a little lump that feels like half a grain of rice behind my bottom front teeth toward the floor of my mouth. I can feel it with my tongue but my dentist and GP can't feel it with their finger. I had an x-ray that showed nothing. Then I went to an oral surgeon who had a quick feel and told me it's just debris from a saliva stone and not to worry about it (yeah right!). I talked to my GP and she thinks I should accept the surgeon's opinion. She said if he had any concerns he would have removed it. Of course I still worry, but it hasn't gotten any bigger so I'm trying to only check it every few months now. Do please stay away from Google. No good ever comes from it. Try sucking a sour candy or lemon. If you have a saliva stone that can sometimes clear it.

19-03-20, 02:27
Update: saw my GP he thinks it is a stone and a blood test ruled out the possibility of an infection. He wants me to let him know how I am doing on Monday. If the pain increases to let him know. I really want to trust what he said especially since I have seen him literally my entire life (31 years) but when he leaves the room with "that's weird" it doesn't sit well

19-03-20, 02:34
I hope everything will be okay. I have a little lump that feels like half a grain of rice behind my bottom front teeth toward the floor of my mouth. I can feel it with my tongue but my dentist and GP can't feel it with their finger. I had an x-ray that showed nothing. Then I went to an oral surgeon who had a quick feel and told me it's just debris from a saliva stone and not to worry about it (yeah right!). I talked to my GP and she thinks I should accept the surgeon's opinion. She said if he had any concerns he would have removed it. Of course I still worry, but it hasn't gotten any bigger so I'm trying to only check it every few months now. Do please stay away from Google. No good ever comes from it. Try sucking a sour candy or lemon. If you have a saliva stone that can sometimes clear it.
This is basically the same sentiment my GP gave me as well so I'll let him know how I am doing on Monday and see if a follow up is needed. We both just need to keep busy and positive (both things easier said than done haha) I've been doing a lot of soure candy and massaging of that location. Positive side the pain was much less today.

11-04-20, 23:10
well I'm back after doing some inspection I found a lump it looks to be about roughly the size of a pea and feels hard (I'm not very good with measurements) on the same side my issue started about roughly a month prior, I can feel and see it quite clearly, it looks like it is literally just below the surface of what I think is the subligual gland(the flaps just below the tongue) and it seems to be highly mobile (which I know should be the sign of a good thing of it being benign), but with your mouth being predominantly soft tissue I don't know if when I push down the mass I don't know if I'm pushing it down or that area. I was planning on waiting to see the doctor after all of this covid-19 fear dies down, but recently for a few days I haven't been feeling much in the area of hunger, sometimes And have lost a little weight about roughly 3-4 lbs, I'm mostly chalking it to the stuff going on in my life, I've recently started a new relationship, I've been put on furlough because of the pandemic, I haven't started collecting unemployment yet, and I'm being forced to be at home. Part of me wants to go in on Monday and get it sorted out, but, part of me doesn't want to because I don't want to take away resources such as my PCP for something potentially frivolous,in the midst of this pandemic, also I know that if I don't go my doctor will yell at me for not coming in sooner.

Why I think it might be: I have a mass under my tongue, lack of appetite. And weight loss

My thoughts as to why it might not be: It feels mobile, im 31, it's rare 1 in 100,000 and where it could be is even rarer less than 1% I haven't really noticed or experienced any other symptoms. It

As I type it it and read through all of it I realize at how ludicrous it sounds to my rational brain. But my HA is saying "no this is salivary gland cancer"

13-04-20, 02:21
I have so many lumps and bumps and knobby things that move around under my tongue too lol. Have always had them as long as I can remember. I think when we’re actively looking and scanning our bodies, our mind tends to tell us that every bump is dangerous - when it really isn’t. human anatomy is just weird sometimes.

for me, I go by the two week rule. Give it two weeks - if it is still there and worrying you then maybe schedule a telehealth visit with your pcp, see if they want to see you.