View Full Version : Food poisoning? Hot flush?

18-03-20, 05:18
I have just woken up feeling like I am on fire. My heart was beating really fast and I thought I had a temperature. I was worried I was getting Coronavirus so I checked my temperature and it was normal. But I still felt on fire and my heart was racing. I sat down and gradually it went alway.

Now I am confused and concerned about what caused it. Last night I made a curry with paste that I used a couple of weeks ago (kept in fridge) but I noticed I was supposed to use it within 7 days. I ate the curry anyway as the paste was just spices and no dairy or meat in it. I worried that maybe this has made me ill but I have not been sick or had to rush to the loo although I feel very mildly nauseous.

I am 41 so I thought too young for menopause, but maybe that’s it? I have felt flushed in the face for a few days. I am also feeling anxious about the whole corona thing so maybe it is a symptom of anxiety that I haven’t yet had.

Any guidance/ reassurance? I’m not totally freaking out just puzzled.


18-03-20, 07:18
I had this happen to me once. I woke up around three in the morning feeling nauseous and burning up but had no fever. I kept getting this intense hot flushing that was very uncomfortable, almost unbearable really. It freaked me out so bad I went running to the ER. That feeling had me very agitated and the flushing was so bad and so hot I felt as though I couldn’t breath, I literally started pulling my clothes off in the room they had me in and they must have thought I was a bit crazy. They were asking me to describe what I was feeling but I couldn’t even put it into words.
My husband soaked my shirt in cold water and I laid down with that on top of me and fell asleep. By the time the nurse came in with my blood work results a couple hours had passed and I was feeling better.
My labs came back perfect and so they said given the mild nausea it could be a virus or perhaps hormonal. I was 36 at the time.

I doubt your suffering from the coronavirus based on your symptoms. I don’t know what caused my episode but try wetting a towel, lay down and drape it over you. Not saying it will deff work but it did for me and so maybe it’s worth a try.
Also peri menopause can apparently start in the late 30s to early 40s for some women and so maybe it is just hormones.

Whatever it is, I hope it passes soon.

19-04-20, 14:23
It migh not be but sorry to say at 41 you're not only not too young for peri but you are actually at quite an average age to start with some perimenopause synptoms.