View Full Version : Scan Tomorrow Really Scared

19-03-20, 14:54
Hi all. I have an abdominal scan tomorrow which I've been waiting for for 6 weeks and I am feeling really frightened. I've been having symptoms since Xmas and my dr has not been concerned but the pains have gotten worse recently and I'm terrified it's because I have a tumour growing. It's right side upper tummy pain. I'm so scared to go because I'm frightened they will find cancer and if they do and with coronavirus taking over the hospitals that I will just be left to die.

The pain I get has started to get worse over the last couple of weeks and I've also lost some weight. I don't know how much all of this is to do with stress and anxiety though because I have been overly anxious recently but surely the pain wouldn't be so bad if it weren't anything bad? It's like a dull ache and sometimes twingey in my right side upper stomach/chest that gives me muscle like upper back tension too. I also get a fullness under the ribs.

Sorry, I'm so scared I'm in a right state today.

19-03-20, 16:27
Good luck with your scan tomorrow! I’m sure it’ll be fine. What does your doctor think it is?

19-03-20, 18:01
Is it an ultrasound or a CT scan? I’ve had both for abdominal pain and it was fine. I posted about the CT in the procedures forum. I hope it turns out ok, it could be a lot of not scary things!

19-03-20, 23:04
Try not to stress too much. It sounds exactly like gallstones, which I was found to have recently after an ultrasound.

My symptoms sound almost identical to yours; dull ache in mid/upper right abdomen under the ribs that comes and goes, and can radiate around to the opposite side on my back. Sometimes feels like a bad cramp. You’ll notice about 1-2 hours or a little longer after you eat certain things, the ache occurs and then subsides.

Hope all goes well, and I hope this helps put your mind at ease. Take care!

20-03-20, 13:50
Hi. I've had the scan - no gallstones. I was hoping there would be as that would explain things and also be something non-serious. All of my organs were checked and I asked if everything looked okay and the radiologist said there was nothing obvious jumping out that he'd be concerned about but he said that obviously he had to check the images in more detail but all looked fine and he's not really meant to say anything but he understands it's good to have peace of mind.

My mind is playing tricks on me wondering whether he did see something and he was just saying that to be nice.

20-03-20, 16:34
he understands it's good to have peace of mind.

My mind is playing tricks on me wondering whether he did see something and he was just saying that to be nice.

Absolutely no way

21-03-20, 04:26
Tech absolutely would not tell you “everything looks good” just to be nice.