View Full Version : Migraine associated vertigo

10-10-07, 12:32
Hi there. I've not posted for a while. have been off work for 6 weeks following severe "attack" of right-hand brain tune out/very weird feeling of rushing numbness in right hand brain and then weeks of swimming dizziness, ear fullness....loads of symptoms that come and go. Not one day when feeling completely "normal". anway, I am seeing a consultant tomorrow and have an MRI on Monday to try and get an answer. Originally GP said "anxiety" but now not sure and he is confused really hence the consultant.
I did a load of Internet trawling and one condition that comes up quite a lot is migraine associated vertigo. This seems to fit a lot of these spaced out, dizzy symptoms and I wondered if anybody else had had this diagnosed or suggested.....:huh:

10-10-07, 14:38
Hi ,yes recently I got told by my hospital consultant that I possibly have MAV, but he ordered tests (see my other post ) and they have come up with something else, BUT now I dont know what this means ???

Do I still have mav or not ,I dont know ?

we will have to keep each other informed because your symptoms sounds like mine.

take care

10-10-07, 14:44
Hi Mirry. Good luck with tests. Yes, I've read about acoustic neuroma but everything I've read suggests that treatment is very successful and you are certainly in good hands! I am sure all will be fine.
I will raise the MAV issue with the consultant tomorrow and see what happens. I suspect that I will have to get a referral to neurology though and a long wait. Sigh.

10-10-07, 15:26
they didnt mention the acousticneroma so I think that is ok with me(i hope).
I failed the caloric tests, where they put hot and cold water in your ears,
they said I have very low function in both ears , so now I dont know if I do have MAV ? apparently the damage was done by a virus or medication.

what consultant are you seeing ? I was sent to audiology which by passes ENT. Goodluck and let me know how you get on.

12-10-07, 12:20
I saw a General Medical consultant...ie a physician who has knowledge of a whole range of conditions from top to toe. However.....although he was very pleasant I did not feel that I got any nearer resolution to my constant woozy headedness/full ear on right hand side problem. He did routine tests (blood pressure, ECG) and then asked me to do a "trick" for him....which was to hyperventilate to bring on dizziness. I'd already done this in A and E about 8 weeks ago and assured him that the wooziness I feel on a daily basis is not the same!!!
anyway, I have an MRI on Monday looking at the inner ear area and now the consultant has asked for the MRI to look at other head/brain area too.
However, if the MRI comes back inconclusive, my GP says there is nothing more they can do!!!
I think seeing a neurologist is a good route to go for MAV help, but now feel foolish bothering my GP to ask for yet another referral. I am sure he is fed up with me...although he says not!

12-10-07, 13:34
How do you feel when you leave the house,do you get shifting of vision ?
My consultant told me to give up cheese and chocolate cos these are the main causes of MAV, keep a diary of food and symptoms.

ok how about doing some tests yourself ?

stand up with hands by your side
put one foot in front of the other (toe to heel)

see how you balance ?


close your eyes

what happens ?
sit in a very very dark room , shake your head side to side (super fast)....
then stop and stare ahead into darkness for 3 mins, how do you feel?

12-10-07, 13:35
forgot to say ,audiology is who I am under at the moment.