View Full Version : feel like nobody gets me

10-10-07, 13:36
Hi everyone

I'm not feeling to good today.I have this shaky feeling that i can't describe and pressure on my head.I feel like nobody understands me because it's so hard to describe to people whats wrong.I feel all alone and Like I don't fit in anywhere.I look around and see everyone my age so flawless and I'm not sure why that makes me sad I would never wish anxiety on anyone but it feels like its so hard.It was really bad last year and the year before with all the test and hospitals and waiting on results and not wanting to leave my house but it got better and i felt kinda like my old self again and now it feels as if its all falling apart like each symptom is starting to creep back and I feel like I don't have the energy to do it all over agian:lac:

This is the only place I enjoy coming to and chatting:hugs:

10-10-07, 13:59
Hi Cindy,:hugs:

Sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well today. The shaking and pressure are from the anxiety. Have you done any relaxtion exercises today, and deep breathing?

I know that it is hard to explan this to people. Hang in there and things will get better.

Remember that you are not alone, that we here all know what this is like.

Take Care

I Believe that In Time We All Will Get Better