View Full Version : IBS???

22-03-20, 03:26
Hey guys, just want to know if anyone could help me with this one, I don't know much about IBS, but for about 1+ year now I have this pain on the left side of my belly almost right under my ribs, I have alot of heartburn when I eat some types of food, it used to be worse when I smoked but subsided once I stopped, I do have alot of gas pain as well, sometimes I can't even stand up, but this weird pain on my left side is bothering me cause it's in a specific spot, it doesn't hurt all the time, in the last months I didn't even feel it but it has been acting up now... Could this be ibs? I heard it's common... If the pain has been here for 1+ years and didn't get a whole lot worse it is a good sign is nothing serious right?