View Full Version : Feel really weak/tired when standing

22-03-20, 09:57
This started towards the end of first pregnancy about 4 years ago. When I would stand up (mostly around mid-morning) my heart rate would shoot up (130bpm) and I would feel really weak and tired. It would get worse and worse until I sat down again, and the minute I sat down again I would feel fine. Same again in second pregnancy 2.5 years later. Had 72 hour tape done and didn’t seem to be any problems.

I’ve recently started having episodes of this again, although my heart rate is only about 85 when standing (65ish when lying down) but I feel the same tiredness/weakness. My heart also pounds when I walk upstairs when I have these episodes. When I’m not having these episodes I can walk up a steep hill with a heavy pushchair without much difficulty. I’m always ok when sitting.

Just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything similar? I can’t figure out a trigger and I’m baffled, and also really worried.

Thanks so much!

19-04-20, 14:18
Yes, I have experienced the same. Have you had your iron and B12 checked?