View Full Version : Twitching has moved to eyelid now. Cause for concern?

22-03-20, 16:48
So I'm 28 and have been twitching for well over a year, but mostly in the calves. Originally, my fear was obviously ALS, but I figure I would have known if it was ALS like a year ago. I learned that most people with ALS who twitch have it in their final days and even with the very small amount of people who twitched first and then went on to be develop the textbook symptoms of ALS, the record is something like 90 days between the onset of twitching the the textbook symptoms. It feels like popcorn popping when my calves twitch and it isn't consistent. Sometimes I feel like I am twitching all day, but then I feel like I will go a week without any twitching. Recently, I developed consistent twitching in the lower left eyelid and this has been going on for a couple of weeks. My concern is that this is a new "hotspot" and even though I have twitched in pretty much every part of my body at this point (including my eardrums), the eyelid is a new one and it's been going on longer than the other random spots, where I'll maybe twitch there a day and then it's gone. Should I be concerned?

22-03-20, 16:59
My eyelid literally twitched for about 8 months.... it drove me crazy! But it will pass, just like other hot spots will...

24-03-20, 05:58
No, you shouldn’t worry yourself over this, everyone gets these twitches, some more then others but it’s common and nothing to worry about.
ALS is CRAZY rare and if you had it (which you don’t) there would be more then just twitches going on.