View Full Version : Loss of smell when have a cold?

22-03-20, 20:54
HA come on quite bad, the past 3 days I've been a bit unwell, body aches, headache, sneezing, slightly blocked nose, not been too fussed about it until tonight, was having dinner and everyone was saying how nice it smelt and I couldn't smell it, now I am home I have tried to smell all different things and I can't smell anything, not even a strong aftershave, of course I am now thinking brain tumour as when I move my right eye especially upwards it feels like a slight pain/discomfort. Is it normal to lose smell like this?

22-03-20, 20:58
Nope, not a brain tumour, just your sinuses. No need to worry.

22-03-20, 21:19
Common cold symptoms:

Pain areas: in the muscles
Cough: can be with phlegm
Nasal: congestion, runny nose, sneezing, loss of smell, redness, or post-nasal drip
Whole body: chills, fatigue, fever, malaise, or body ache
Eyes: watery eyes, itchiness, or redness
Head: congestion or sinus pressure, headache
Also common: chest pressure, headache, swollen lymph nodes, or throat irritation

Positive thoughts

23-03-20, 00:08
Same thing happened to me back at the start of February. Had exactly what you had in terms of symptoms and lost sense of both smell and taste for about 4 days. Very disconcerting and makes you realise just how much you take them for granted.

Just normal when you have a heavy cold and your sinuses get blasted. It will pass.

23-03-20, 06:02
This is very common. Also don't be alarmed if you lose your ability to taste soon, too.

29-03-20, 04:03
Nothing to worry about. Get better and you’ll see. :)