View Full Version : twitching/jerking?

22-03-20, 22:03
Hiya im a 22 year old female who deals with lots of anxiety and currently just started on buspar (again) and trazadone

for a several months now when I lay down in bed, no where near going to sleep just relaxing my body just starts to jerk mostly its mostly in my bottom half but every other day the top half of me will jerk its not like a charlie horse anything like that its like when the doctor test for your reflex on your knee and you kick your leg but with my whole body doing that. I thought maybe it was my anxiety but im relaxed and not panicking when it happens and i just started my meds back in Jan and it was happening before taking that. me who shouldn't have looked it up but i couldnt find anything that match what im experiencing i thought maybe its close to like myoclonus but im not sure
i wondering if anyone has this problem and they know what they have or something to ease my troubles

(side note i do have terrible posture and i do drink alot of water cause i was thinking maybe ive been dehydrated and thats whats causing it or maybe it really is just anxiety and my chronic health anxiety)

23-03-20, 08:21
I get jerks now and just shrug them off. It was more frequent when my anxiety was worse so don't worry.

23-03-20, 08:46
I get jerks and twitches, too. I don't necessarily feel particularly anxious when it happens - it can still be stress and anxiety causing it.
A calcium or B-vitamin deficiency can also cause it.