View Full Version : hi

10-10-07, 13:58
I am a new member today, I have suffered from panic attacks on and off for over twenty years (since my early teens). For me they take the form of extreme nausea/upset stomach as well as "hitting the adrenalin panic button" and shaking etc. This has had a big impact on my life because I am afraid of eating out, going on public transport, going on holiday, going on aeroplanes - I have three children and it is increasingly hard to cope with the demands of their lives and be a "normal" mum. I was a high achiever at school and qualified as a solicitor, though I haven't worked as such for 10 years. I am presently doing a garden design course which keeps me going! I've been seeing a psychotherapist for about 18 months but am finding progress hard. I'm not taking any medication. I've felt I've had to keep all this hidden for so long, this site has made me cry.

10-10-07, 14:04
Hello Tess,

:welcome: to NMP. Hope that you enjoy your stay. There are lots of great people here and you will get great advice. Stop by the chat room and meet some new people. Also check out the self help section on main forum if you haven't already done so.

An most important remember you are not alone, we all are here to help each other. :hugs:

Take Care

I Believe That In Time We All Will Get Better!

10-10-07, 14:53
Hi Tess,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

10-10-07, 17:55
Hello there Tess:welcome:to you!

You don't have to keep things hidden here - you'll find plenty of help and support, as we're all here for each other!

Pleased to meet you!


10-10-07, 17:59
Hi Tess, good to see you here.
going on holiday, going on aeroplanes, yep, I know how you feel.


10-10-07, 18:16
Hello Tess And Welcomke To The Site.....linda

10-10-07, 18:30
Hi Tess

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


10-10-07, 22:52
Hi Tess and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

10-10-07, 23:00
Hi Tess

Welcome to NMP. Hope this site helps you as much as it helps me. Take care.

love Mags xxxxx

10-10-07, 23:08
Hi Tess

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will get loads of great support and advice here.

11-10-07, 20:56
Thanks everyone, it is wonderful to be made welcome

11-10-07, 23:26
Hi Tess,

Welcome to the site. Many here feel exactly how you do and you will get support.

