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View Full Version : Found a bony lump on my right knee. No doctors because of lockdown

24-03-20, 13:23
I know I'm supposed to go straight to the doctor but because of the global pandemic, all the doctors' clinics have been suspended here in my city until further notice.

Our city went on lockdown last week week so I just stayed at my place to prevent the exposure or spread. I was watching Netflix on the sofa in a tuck sitting position (folded my knees towards me) then I noticed the lump on my right kneecap (upper part of knee). There's absolutely nothing there on the left one.

If I stand up, it's not visible. However if I search hard enough for it, I can feel something there.

It's hard as a rock, half the size of a golf ball, not movable, feels smooth, almost rounded? It doesn't hurt. I don't think it's a cyst because it's not soft.
I'm scared it could be the big C of the bone. I know this kind of C is super rare (less than 1% cases) in adults (I'm 29, male) but I still feel scared. Worse, I can't go to my doctor or a specialist because all clinics are in lockdown except for emergency cases.

A part of me wants to think that this is just a prominent bony part of my knee, but with HA, I am going crazy.

Can someone please tell me how to cope until our clinics here are open. https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 It might take another month before I can have access to outpatient services so until then, I don't want to drive myself mad. https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

24-03-20, 18:31
They must still be seeing patients. In the UK they are often doing it over the phone. Other health problems don’t just stop because of this.

25-03-20, 07:09
Thank you for your reply. I forgot to disclose I'm not from the UK and our country doesn't have that kind of service right now that I know of. Even if it does, it's hard to describe my situation because I feel that the doctor has to examine and feel my knee to know what it is. :(

25-03-20, 08:52
Well maybe they will if you call them and see.

25-03-20, 22:09

I’m from the U.K. too and I must say I am perplexed that your doctors have shut down? You must be mistaken.

The hospital I work at - incredibly, considering it is attached to an oncology hospital - has been transformed into a “Covid hospital”; general practitioners are coming in to help out in ICU etc. But they are still working in the community throughout the day.

29-03-20, 07:42
Thank you for your reply.

Sorry for the misunderstanding, but the OPD clinics here are only reserved for those who really need them such as those oncology patients and those who need regular medical procedures (dialysis, etc).

Anyway, I was able to avail this telemedicine in our country, an online consultation with a doctor. I relayed to her my issue and sent her photos. She thinks it's a benign outgrowth of bone. She said as far as she's concerned, it sounds harmless because there's no pain, restriction of movement, or changes in the color of the skin in the area wherethe lump is.

However, she said that after the lockdown, I should get an x-ray to clinically determine the etiology and consult with an ortho to be sure.

At first I was a bit relieved, but the fact that she said I should get an x-ray and watch out for size changes, swelling, pain, or restriction of movement in the knee, scares me. I feel that there is still that possibility of the big C :(