View Full Version : A couple of lumps, trying not spiral but could do with some kind words please

24-03-20, 19:11
Hi. I hope everyone is ok considering all that is going on?

Ive found a couple of lumps and I’m starting to spiral. I’ve been seeing a psychologist which changed to telephone appointments but I’ve now had to cancel altogether as I’ve gor the kids at home and can’t do cbt with them about. I only had two sessions so far. I’ve got three lumps which are causing me concern and I’m starting panic.

over the past four weeks I’ve had two colds (currently still got the last one which came out on Saturday morning) , thrush and a sickness bug. So I’m clearly run down but the other part of my brain thinks it’s becssue I have cancer of course.

First lump is in my armpit. It’s definitely a lump under the skin (it’s quite big but I’m not sure how big) and it’s where you have lymph nodes. Right at the top of my armpit. No lumps further down towards the breast. I had a manual exam about a month/6 weeks ago and nothing felt on that by breast consultant. The lump is really sore. I did pull it about a bit this morning when I found it (I started feeling about because my armpit was aching a lot) but it’s so sore. I’ve pulled my armpits around a lot more than this before in the past and it’s never hurt this much. Real deep ache. No poking since this morning as got kids at home and been home schooling etc, could this be from being ill so much? Cancerous nodes don’t tend to hurt? I’ve not shaved my armpits for a good week or so either.

Ive got a lump in my labia it’s inside, but closer to where there is hair at the top inside. I can’t tell if it’s a hair follicle blocked or not. Can’t really get a good look. I found that because it hurt when I wiped myself. It’s not as big as when I first found it but still there and now hard. It’s been there for about two weeks now.

Got a lumo on my leg at the back of my calf which you can see there is a small bulge when you look at it. It hurts, looks like a bug bite. First found it about two weeks ago as it started itching when I got in the bath. Doesn’t want to go down in size. Concerned by how long it’s been there and not changing size. Not sure how I got bitten as never have my legs out.

Im really struggling at the moment and I can’t even go to the Drs to get checked out. Stressed about this virus as I’m a carer too.

Anh words or advice pleaee xx

24-03-20, 19:52
They all sound like perfectly normal lumps and bumps. I think the golden rule is to keep an eye on them for a couple of weeks unless you are feeling poorly. Doctors are still doing phone consultations if you feel you need it, but it does sound like you’ve been quite run down & just need a rest. Not that you’ll get that with the schools closed really, but try your best.

25-03-20, 17:23
Thank you scass. My mum said I need to get the lymph node seen ASAP and made the mistake of googling. Doesn’t seem armpit lymph nodes enlarge with colds? I’m really panicking. It’s come up suddenly as it only started aching on Tuesday morning when I got out of bed. I’m scared