View Full Version : Coughing up blood please help

25-03-20, 10:48
I've been ill for a week, fatigue, weakness, sore throat, blocked nose and most recently a hacking cough...ive brought up a fair bit of bright yellow mucus, then just now after coughing into a tissue there's was bright red blood.
I ohoned the sea surgery and they've told me to phone 111
The thing is I have two children and everyone is.self isolation, if I'm told to go to hospital I just can't get there..
Any advice or has this happened to anyone else before? I'm really scared x

25-03-20, 10:49
Try not to panic? Chances are it's just that your throat's irritated from all that coughing.

25-03-20, 11:04
Thanks blue iris, I'm trying to stay rational but I really thought I'd be prescribed antibiotics, and am not sure why I've been told to call 111..unless it's to say I need to go into hospital.
Just feel so fed up of feeling crap now and want a good nights sleep!

25-03-20, 12:09
Hopefully 111 will understand your situation with regards to the kids and maybe find another option. They gave to be careful with your health though and are probably quite overwhelmed.
It’s probably just where you’ve irritated your throat though, it does happen sometimes.

25-03-20, 13:36
I haven't phoned 111, but I also haven't coughed up anymore blood.
Going to cross my fingers that it doesn't happen again x

25-03-20, 21:12
I agree with BI. You've been sick. You're probably have a dry throat from breathing through your mouth while you sleep and from the general congestion. That along with coughing probably just caused a small blood vessel to break. No biggie. It happens.

Positive thoughts

27-03-20, 02:04
Happened to me with a nasty chest infection in January and again with the flu in February. I think with those awful coughs it’s just so easy to irritate blood vessels in our throat.

27-03-20, 06:58
I had the same thing happen. I’d either irritated my airways or burst a small vessel from coughing. Seems to happen to more people than we realise X