View Full Version : How to get over this anxious thought?

25-03-20, 12:42
All of a sudden over the last couple days I have felt like there is a lump under my armpit. I cannot feel anything major, or obvious but since I have been poking around my armpit feels a bit painful. I even let my wife feel it for me yesterday, and she could not find anything. This seems to be happening a lot for me. I have a sensation, I ask for reassurance and it goes away, but then comes back again.

How can I stop this cycle of asking for reassurance, and just move on when I get an anxious thought?
Like right now it is bothering me again, I feel like I want to feel my armpit again or else I will be worried all day, but I am fighting feeling it again. Anyone have any advice?

25-03-20, 13:31
Had the same problem. Once locked myself in the bathroom for an hour just feeling my armpits. Didn't know if I was feeling muscle or what, so the anxious thoughts kept coming back.

At first I only allowed myself to touch the area for a set time. Like a minute. Maybe less. And maybe only once a day. The rest of the time I lived with the discomfort of not knowing. Living with uncertainty is important.

It was intense at first, but I entertained myself with video games or whatever. Cleaning, washing my truck, etc. After a while it was just background noise and boring to think about. Didn't go to the doctors for it or anything.

When you force yourself to do other things, you realize how boring and unproductive anxiety can be at times.

25-03-20, 21:15
How can I stop this cycle of asking for reassurance, and just move on when I get an anxious thought?

Have you downloaded and worked on THIS? (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?211324-9-FREE-CBT-ebooks-for-Health-Anxiety) If not, that would be a great first step in learning how to reassure yourself.

Positive thoughts