View Full Version : womens problem

10-10-07, 18:55
i suffer health anxiety and have been doing really well these last few months.
now all of a sudden its kicked back in big time. i finished my period last tuesday but since then i have still had pain in my lower abdomen/pubic bone area. when i say pain i mean a achiness. that sort of heavy feeling you tend to get before your period. it comes and goes during the day its not constant.
i have also had a bit of lower back ache and all of a sudden its popped into my head ovarian or cervical cancer.this then caused a major panic attack. i did have an abnormal smear which resulted in a cone biopsy in 1994. and all my smears since have been normal.

i have so far resisted the temptation to google but its hard. of course in typical health anxiety fashion the more i think about it the worse the achiness/pain is.

has anyone else had this sort of thing when there period isn't due?

many thanks
pp1 x

10-10-07, 19:02
Hey there.

It's probably nothing to worry about. It might be worth seeing your GP at some point.

Try not to worry - we get these aches and pains at odd times, more often than not probably just hormones being annoying.


10-10-07, 19:14
Hi there Penny,

Aaw, sorry you're having a bit of a 'blip' after doing so well. I can only agree with Swan and say try not to worry too much - although I know that must be difficult and can understand your concern.

I've not had an abmormal smear result but have suffered 'pelvic pain' for a number of years, ever since my periods began I suppose!. Investigation a fews years ago resulted in the removal of a small polyp on my cervix, which was done very quickly and successfully as an outpatient. (see happyone's thread!)

I also have a 'backward leaning' womb which I've been told could account for a certain amount of the discomfort I experience. And, yes the dreaded 'hormones' eh? They have a lot to answer for!

I'll pm you with some more 'girlie' stuff later as I have to pop out now!:flowers:

Have a big hug from me



10-10-07, 20:37
Hi Penny,

I have to agree with swan. I have them around that time to, my back is the worst for me. Hang in there it will be ok.

Take Care

10-10-07, 21:30
Hello Penny,

I also had probs with pre cancer of my cervix in june CGIN2 and hpv have the all clear now.
Go on to jos trust www.jostrust.co.uk (http://www.jostrust.co.uk) xxx lots of advise and help there x

11-10-07, 13:28
Hi Penny

Hormones are funny things. They can trigger off similar feelings to a panic attack which then sets your adreneline levels off which in turn triggers a PA.

I have a backward tilting uterus which gives me some backache. I also haved mild endometriosis which can give similar symptoms and I had a huge fibroid removed earlier in the year.

Ovarian cancer is really very rare and if your smears have been OK then it is highly unlikely you have cervical cancer as well. I speak from second hand experience as my mother died of ovarian cancer very early and I have been scanned regularly just in case.

Many women also get ovulation pain which can start from the end of your last period until you ovulate.

If in doubt go see your doctor who will be able to put your mind at ease.