View Full Version : Shortness of breathe

26-03-20, 22:40
What a time to have health Anxiety.... I’m experiencing a lot of shortness of breath for the last three days .. has any body else been experiencing this through these times it seems like soon as a heard it was a symptom my anxiety went oh that’s what I’ll do to you next .. if it wasn’t for me having shortness of breathe

27-03-20, 03:01
I've felt like I've had that for the Past week. Sliggt but definitely noticeable. It's causing a crazy amount of anxiety. 😞

27-03-20, 15:09
It's anxiety. I would lay money on that.

I have had SOB for weeks now since this damned virus emerged. My anxiety was fine before that. When we hyperventilate (even without realising it) we feel like we are SOB and not getting enough air in. You are not alone in this!

Try to distract your mind away from how you are breathing and I assure you, it will get better. Do ANYTHING. Watch a movie, read a book/magazine, even play some games online or whatever! I find when I am actively using my brain to do something, it calms my breathing pattern.

29-03-20, 03:44
I’ve been getting it but I haven never really been worried about the new coronavirus. To be honest, the virus doesn’t really scare me because I’m young and so there’s almost a 0% chance that I’ll have lasting effects. But even with this fact, I’ve had many times within the past 2 weeks that I’ve felt SOB. I correlated it to the new virus but I never had fever or anything. Most people who feel SOB and have this virus deal with so many other symptoms besides for that, and so I 100% think anxiety is the culprit behind this symptom.

30-03-20, 05:54
I’m Kinda young 29 but The shortness of breathe scares me plus I have a pregnant Girlfriend and she has underlying health issues I try not to even let her out the house at all and more and more they keep showing young ppl that’s dying so I cut off all media out let’s accept one now I’m have chest pains and it’s jus getting me all sorts of anxious

30-03-20, 12:23
Yeah, I just made a new post before I read yours. I’ve been having shortness of breath too (that’s why I’m on here tonight actually). I’m a school teacher, my school is still open, although the daily uncertainty around what is going to happen is getting to me a bit. I’ve been tossing up between Coronavirus and heart attack....the reality is it’s most likely just anxiety, but if we really knew and understood that I guess we wouldn’t be on here seeking reassurance!

31-03-20, 01:38
I had this a few weeks ago really badly at times. So bad that I went to ER twice in February. At first I thought it might be CV, then when that was ruled out heart trouble. I even received angina drugs from the ER, but they didn't help so I thought it must be anxiety. Started reading my old Dr. Claire Weeks' books again and things got better.

31-03-20, 08:30
Came on here to post something similar. I'm having shortness of breath triggered by all the CV news and the fact my 3 year old has started coughing again (has been on off coughing for months).

I have a pulse oximeter and my blood oxygen is 99% so absolutely fine.

How can we tell the difference between anxiety sob and something more serious?

01-04-20, 04:24
When this all started, I was not affected at all but now it’s really starting to scare me. A lot. Especially seeing seemingly healthy people around my age (43) that have passed from it. I’m terrified.