View Full Version : Ice cold feet - temporarily turn a purplish color

27-03-20, 17:55
Wondering if anyone else has the issue of their feet constantly being freezing cold. I’ve been to a rheumatologist, vascular specialist and primary care numerous times. No findings - ANA was negative (during a scleroderma fear), my pulse is good in my legs, etc. The rheumatologist thought maybe primary raynauds, but I don’t have the typical color changes associated with it. My feet just get blotchy. Of course this all started after a death in the family and extreme HA.

During a bad bout of anxiety they got so cold today that they had a purplish tint to them. I was able to resolve in seconds by rubbing them and after that they stayed warm. The house is 74 and I’m wrapped in blankets and totally comfortable.

Just wondering if anyone has similar problems. I’m not going to google rheumatic diseases, or at least try not. I have had ANA tested 3 times and blood taken countless other times.

27-03-20, 18:13
Honestly my feet and hands both get blotchy if I’m cold. Always have. They are the two body parts that get cold first, never fails!!

27-03-20, 18:40
Thanks - it’s usually the tops of my toes that get a little white with some blotchy spots on my soles. Either way it’s crazy how cold my feet get sometimes. Guessing it’s anxiety? They just seem to be overly sensitive to any change in temperature. The purple color immediately goes away when I rub them; just the very outer layer of skin gets a little purple and between my toes.

19-04-20, 14:17
Anyone else notice a purple color to the soles of their feet and bottom of toes. It keeps happening to me mainly when cold. I know during anxiety the body pulls blood from extreme tire, but so much so that they would turn a purplish color and get white and blotchy just from standing in place for a few seconds ?

21-04-20, 01:30
Might be Raynaud's syndrome. I have it, my mother has it. My feet are always cold and they turn purple when I warm them. Nothing dangerous..

21-04-20, 16:30
Might be Raynaud's syndrome. I have it, my mother has it. My feet are always cold and they turn purple when I warm them. Nothing dangerous..

Thanks for the response. Sounds like we have the same situation going on. Mine came out of nowhere in my late 30s and I’m male. Can’t help to think it’s not autoimmune related