View Full Version : constant pressure on LHS of head

10-10-07, 22:08
Not to sure if anybody else has this problem. I have had a constant pressure for about near on 3 months. It's on the LHS of my head just above my ear and appears to get worse when I panic, but it tends to make me panic even more.

Does anybody have anything similar? Tonight I am getting tingeling in my face but I know this is just anxiety...or is it? It's just a pressure like someone is constantly pushing on my head plus sometimes I get sore eyes from light sensativity. It can't be a brain tumour I would be severly sick by now.:shrug:

I have seen the doc about it when it first started but he seemed to put it down to me being anxious. Please someone tell me you have a similar symptom! I am so stressed out about it it's effecting everything in my life.

Thanks in Advance

10-10-07, 22:16
Hey Janie.
Dont worry (too much) your not alone! i have pressure headaches practically everyday all over my head, the most scary ones for me are the ones you just described ... above the ears. sometimes my jaw aches (from clenching it through anxiety) and that makes my face tingle. I suspect that worrying about your pressure headache makes you subconsciously clench your jaw which is why your face feels tingly.
Also anxiety can sometimes bring on tightness of the scalp which can make the head and face hurt.

So i guess all i can say is try not to think about it too much (I know its hard) and remember its not only you! and its defo not a brain tumour as you would have some other symptoms by now!
Gem xxx

11-10-07, 08:45
thank you for your reply Gem, I have to keep telling myself it's not life threatening sometimes it works...but I think I may be having a bad week :)

11-10-07, 13:37

Anxiety quite often causes feelings in the head such as pressure, headaches, feeling like you are wearing a tight hat or pain at the very base of the neck where it meets your head.

The problem is you feel it, you feel anxious and that exacerbates the feeling, putting you in that downwards spiral.

My pressure feelings are always on the left hand side for some reason.

It has taken me a while but now I have learnt to accept that the pressure is just adreneline it tends to go away again.

All the best

23-10-09, 15:54
Hi Hun
Yes I have got the same feeling and have had it for 2 yrs now but mine is constant only on the left side as well. It's with me till the min I wake up till I fall asleep.
I had an MRI scan a year ago which came back as normal, but not been able to put up with it for any longer I went to my docs today who has now refered me to a Nurologist for 2nd opinion. I don't get any pain with mine just the constant pressure. Do you get any pain at all or is yours just pressure as well? I also have Tinitus in both ears. I first thought I had a brain tumour called accoustic nuroma which describes some of the same symptoms I was experiencing which was ringing in ears numbness and tingling in face. I just wondered if you got any pains at all with yours?
L x