View Full Version : self hring am i fat...?shoudl i trust teachers?

10-10-07, 22:22
sorry to write another forum buti didnt know if you was only allowed one forum:wacko: ...

anyways lately people have been calling me fat my little borther but he only says it when he is mad .when i looked at my stomach i look overweight.but then few weeks ago i stopped eating all together and was making my self sick then lately i started self harming beacuse i couldnt stop i got this addiction to self-harming i woud cut at the top of my arms but then it got serious i started cutting on my veins.i would sit there hours and a few days ago i was in a lesson and my teacher heard my belly and aked me to tell the truth cso i told her about my problem.but then she went and told head of sixth form now...i also try and kill myself and im only 16 and have a caring bf but i feel like i have been betrayed by teachers and i feel worser and i just dont want to live nomore....should i trust teachers:mad::wacko:



10-10-07, 22:37
Yes Rosie you should trust the teachers

Have you spoken to any other grown ups like parents etc about this???

You are not alone and you will be helped

Luv Kaz x x x

10-10-07, 23:12
Hi Rosie

Sorry you are so down at the moment but it will pass and yes I think you should trust teachers as they are there to help as well. Take care.

love Mags xxxx

10-10-07, 23:17
Hi Rosie

Sorry to hear things are bad. Yes I think that you should trust your teachers.They are there to help you through this. Also like Kazzie said have you told anybody?You are not alone.
Take Care

I Believe That In Time We All Will Get Better

11-10-07, 21:31
thankyou but my health and social teacher betrayed me and now i feel worst not better


13-10-07, 01:58
When you say they betrayed you, do you mean they told someone else? they did that because they were trying to help you. They are all there to help you. You might not like the person they told, and if that is not the person to help, then they can find someone who will. You are so not alone, please take the help that is offered, you will feel so much better. Do your parents know? You might not want them to. And as for brothers!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can only say that mine made my life a misery and is responsible for some of the problems I have now (I'm 52!). I know just how you feel Rosie, and would like to tell you to tell your brother to **** off. He's only doing it to upset you and make himself feel bigger. That's the way men are, they have to put women down to feed their own delicate egos. Do you know anyone else with a brother that you can compare notes with? I bet they get the same sort of thing.
In the meantime Rosie, a big hug for you , and hope you start to feel better soon.

13-10-07, 05:16
hi rosie,

please know that you are a much better person then your brother. dont let whatever he says get to you-if he is mean, then hes not worth it ok!

and if calling you fat is all hes got then just laugh at him, he doesnt sound very clever to me.

i still think you did the right thing trying to tell your teacher your problems. even if they didnt respond the way you wanted. you still did the right thing in asking for help, im very proud of you for that!

i have a little sister almost the same age as you! and our brother told her the same thing! she was hurt, but would you beleive now, a year later, she is finishing school and has good friends, while he is alone with no friends.
just lets you know that what you put out there certainly comes back to bite you in the butt!!!!

big hugs to you, you will probably find lots of girls/women on here have been through what your going through now.
you have a lot of support here!

stay strong! your not alone!

13-10-07, 15:43
Hi hun..

You need to know and most importantly that starving yourself and making yourself sick will NOT help you. It'll only make you ill and when you do eat you'll only put all the weight back on that you lost.

I am SO sorry that you are having to deal with this issue. I was told at 13 i was fat and i've had an eating disorder since. I am now 32. I've been in and out of hospitals with suspected heart problems, its no fun.

The ONLY way to diet is to eat less and eat healthy.

You should not listen to people who call you fat. It doesn't matter what size you are. In your life you'll meet fat people, skinny people and average people too, no one should feel that they have conform to any "unrealistic" body shapes to be "normal".

You definitely need to trust the teachers. They will only want to help you. Have you spoken to your mum or dad? If not, perhaps you should confide in them whats happening before it goes too far.
