View Full Version : Green poop, sore stomach, anxiety - help

29-03-20, 02:21
Hi everyone! I haven’t been on this page for a while.
I’ve actually been pretty good but suffered from an attack of a super fast heart beat for 2 days that put me into ER and since then my anxiety is back and painful stomach, cramping stomach sometimes. But the thing that is worrying me is green poop! Like forest green bright pool!
have been eating spinach and blueberries, so probably that? But has anyone else had green poop?

The other thing that worries me is that, due to being in isolation we can’t really go to the Dr!!! Unless it’s an emergency - so how do I know if this is an emergency?? Having anxiety right now really sucks ...... help guys, you understand!!

29-03-20, 02:37
An "emergency" is defined as a life-threatening situation. How is "forest green" crap life-threatening?

Cut out the greens and see if your poo turns back to brown :lac:

29-03-20, 02:39
Yeh that’s true!

29-03-20, 08:19
No-one else??

29-03-20, 13:39
Nope ��

31-03-20, 19:31
I’m having an anxiety ‘episode’ as I call it right now and I have an upset stomach everyday and stomach pain. My therapist said it’s because we feel emotion in our guts first. I’m not sure about the poop - can you get a phone appointment with your doc? Or is there some sort of healthline you can call, like 111 in the uk?