View Full Version : Vision went black for a second

30-03-20, 10:10
Hi All,
I had been doing so good with my health anxiety. Nevertheless, being stuck in the house has ramped it up. It’s very frustrating and discouraging.

I have an appointment with my regular doctor at the end of April; however, I had an event tonight that worried me. As usual, I don’t know how to deal with this. I don’t know if I should pounce on it or wait until I see my doctor in a few weeks.

I’ve been recovering from a UTI and felt good today for the first time in a few days. I wanted to get my housework all caught and was super tired when I went to bed. As I was laying there trying to go to sleep I suddenly started to worry that maybe I had left the freezer in my garage open. I was really tired, but knowing I wouldn’t go sleep until I checked, I got up and went out to the garage. On the way back into the house, my vision went black for a second. It really scared me.

I feel fine now, although still tired. I just don’t know what to do. It was so quick. Have any of you had something like this happen? Do you think I need to see someone immediately, or can I wait?

31-03-20, 01:53
I was able to get an online appointment with my primary care doctor for tomorrow. I’m still hoping someone else has experienced this. I think I’d sleep a lot better knowing someone had it happen To them and it was just a little blip from fatigue or something. Anyone?

31-03-20, 03:22
Hi Cptdebbie, that’s definitely a scary thing to go through and although I haven’t experienced that exact thing before, I do have the odd visual disturbances that come from getting up too fast sometimes or if I’m bent over for a time and then stand up too quick. I know how much it can freak me out. It’s possible it was fatigue, heightened anxiety during these crazy times, or just a brief blood pressure dip? Maybe you’ll feel better after a good nights rest.

31-03-20, 04:14
Thank you GlassGirl. I really appreciate your kind and thoughtful response.

31-03-20, 19:15
I wanted to follow up on this for anybody who does a search. I talked To both my ophthalmologist and my primary care physician about my one second loss of vision. I am going to be 60 years old this year, have type two diabetes, and high blood pressure. So, my docs’ responses took those factors into consideration. My PCP also did a brief neuro exam.

Because my loss of vision was only one second and included both eyes, it was likely a brief drop in blood pressure or something like that. There is more concern if it happens in one eye. Apparently that could mean that a small piece of plaque broke off from somewhere and restricted blood flow to the affected eye. In that instance, I would need to have some tests to see what’s happening.

02-04-20, 02:50
Well I’m glad you were able to speak to a doc! I’m sure it was a relief to get some answers. Hopefully you’re doing better today!