View Full Version : Hello

11-10-07, 00:03
Hello everyone!
I am a new member, and currently having frequent Panic Attacks!
It has been building up over a few months now, it was starting to get very busy and stressful where i work, i am living next door to the neighbours from hell, i have a 13 year old daughter who is mentally handicapped, and now my wife has been diagnosed with breast cancer! and i think it's just tipped me over the edge! So it's gone from stress to anxiety and now to panic attacks.
I am also living in fear, people have been giving me too much information on people dying of heart attacks similar sort of age to me! and they have gone in to great detail with it, my father died of a heart attack, so it has always been on the back of my mind! So you can imagine what i am going through!
My symptoms are waking up in the night in a panic because i have ringing in the ears, nausea, dizziness and general fear!

11-10-07, 00:09
Hello WDWFan :welcome:to you!

Oh my goodness - I'm so glad you found us!

What an awful time you're having.

Do try and 'ride the wave' when it comes - much better than trying to stand against it.

And please, tell people to stop when they're giving you too much information.

I hope we can give you some help and support to enable you to cope with this.

Pleased to meet you :hugs:

11-10-07, 09:10
http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/F/1/394p.gif (http://smiley.smileycentral.com/download/talking_preview.jhtml?i=F/1/394&partner=ZSzeb075_ZCxdm860YYGB)http://imgfarm.com/images/smileycentral/imbuddy/hear_me_talk.gif (http://smiley.smileycentral.com/download/talking_preview.jhtml?i=F/1/394&partner=ZCxdm860YYGB) hi ther and welcome sorry yuor having such a hard time we all know on here well most of us how you feel.remember you are not alone this site and all the good people on are all here to help each other you will find some great info on here to .tc xxxelaine

http://www.smileycentral.com/sig.jsp?pc=ZSzeb098&pp=ZCxdm860YYGB (http://smiley.smileycentral.com/download/index.jhtml?partner=ZSzeb098_ZCxdm860YYGB&utm_id=7926)

11-10-07, 09:17
Hi Wdwf,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

11-10-07, 12:53
Hello Wdwfan Welcome To The Site.....linda

11-10-07, 13:37

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

11-10-07, 14:40
Hello WDWFan

I hope that you have had a chance to look around some. There are great people here that will give you great advice.

I am so sorry to hear all your bad new. I hope that you can find some peace here. Hope to see you in chat again.

Take Care

I Believe That IN Time We All Will Get Better

11-10-07, 18:40
Hi and :welcome: aboard.

Lovely to see you here.

Have a good read of the website pages for loads more advice as well

11-10-07, 20:48
Thanks everybody for the warm welcome, i can see i'm going to like it here.

11-10-07, 21:03
Hi WDW Fan

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:smile:


11-10-07, 21:13
Hi WDWfan and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

11-10-07, 23:27

Welcome to the site. Wow, you are going through a lot of tough stuff right now. You will find a lot of support here.



14-10-07, 23:55
hi im new also and tryting to find out how this all works hopefully we can all work through this together

19-10-07, 12:57
Hi WDWfan,

I am new here too and everyone is so nice here, and i am sure you will find help and comfort and friends to help you through the hard times you are going through.

Take care and all the best


19-10-07, 16:26
Greetings and how lovely to see you abroad this place WDWfan.

You'll feel exceptionly welcome here. Everyone is so kind and will help you out with stress, anxiety and panic attacks in particular. Just believe that a Heart Attack is very unlikely to happen, specifically if you eat healthily, which I imagine you do. Before you know it, this place will turn you from an anxious person into a less-anxious person or even make you so calm, it is as if you were in paradise.


19-10-07, 16:38
Welcome and i am sure you will find out so much from this site. It is helping me no end.