View Full Version : About time!!!

11-10-07, 01:23
I don't know if anyone else has posted this or have even heard about it but on the News today it was announced that the government here is putting £170M into providing more therapists for anxiety and depression sufferers which will help 900,000 extra people.

A cynical way of looking at it is that if the therapists cure sufferers they'll be able to come off benefit and get back into work which saves the government much more than they're providing for the therapists.

However, I think they should have done this 10 years ago then maybe I wouldn't have been ignored and allowed to get so ill!!! At least I'm still here to see this step forward!

11-10-07, 14:35
That's good news indeed. Finally people can find a better quality of life without struggling for the right resources.

Great stuff!


11-10-07, 15:26
Glad To Hear More Help Will Be Provided I Was Shocked To Learn That The Uk Has To Wait So Long To Seek Any Kind Of Mental Therapy.....thats Just Not Right At All....but Glad There Realizing It Now............linda

11-10-07, 17:59
It is good news. Can't wait to see in practice.

11-10-07, 23:11
Hope they're going to use some of that money to educate GPs a little more too. Its took me years to get taken seriously.
When I told a previous GP about my fears, especially about using public transport I was told to 'get on the train and get over it'.
The first therapist that I saw told me I was too far gone for her so, maybe as you say Bill, if this had happened sooner then alot of us wouldn't have been allowed to get so ill.

11-10-07, 23:32
I hope we see them put the money to good use ASAP!!!!!!

11-10-07, 23:56
im very cautious of anything this bovernment reckons its making better when it chucks money at things.

12-10-07, 00:00
I've experienced exactly the same attitude both from therapists and doctors so I totally understand how you feel.

From those I've met, it appears that the new generation are more understanding......I hope!

For therapy to work, the therapist has to build a bridge so a sufferer can have faith in what they say. Sometimes in the past, they appeared to have all the knowledge but not the "sensitivity" needed to make a sufferer feel comfortable.