View Full Version : A personal question to all with a SO...

31-03-20, 12:59
To all of you living with a significant other, are you still engaging in bedroom activities despite the need for social distancing? My wife wants to, but I am a bit afraid to in case one of us infects the other with CV...

31-03-20, 13:06
Well...simple answer is no. But that’s not necessarily due to Covid. We haven’t in well over a year. My SO struggles with his own anxiety/self confidence/OCD issues so for the last 8 or so years that side of our relationship has declined to non existent. 5-6 years ago it was because “he was afraid of getting me pregnant”, neither of us wanted (more) children. I had a daughter from a previous marriage. So, he got a vasectomy. The next year I’d try to broach the subject every few months and never really worked out a specific reason - so now I’ve just stopped trying to discuss lol. I can count on two hands the number of times in the last 3-4 years probably - whereas I don’t think it even crosses his mind that something is missing.

We are very good friends and all that but yeah, there’s not what I would term “romance” in our relationship anymore. Remains to be seen how long I will be satisfied to stay in this marriage.

bet that was more than you wanted to know!!! :roflmao:Careful what you ask for hahahaha.

31-03-20, 13:11
Lets put it this way. You live with each other, sleep with each other, sit on the same toilets, touch the same things in the home etc. Unless you self isolate within your own home and walk around in hazmat suits, how are you going to avoid each other? And I'll be damned if I'm going to avoid intimacy ;)

Positive thoughts and coochie coochie! :hugs:

31-03-20, 14:14
To all of you living with a significant other, are you still engaging in bedroom activities despite the need for social distancing? My wife wants to, but I am a bit afraid to in case one of us infects the other with CV...


31-03-20, 14:22
If one of you has it, you already both have it. 100%

31-03-20, 15:16
I know exactly where you are coming from. My husband is an essential employee so while the kids and I have been in quarantined for 2+ weeks now, not leaving the house except for our daily walks/bike rides, he is regularly working with others. I am nervous about ANY intimacy which includes a peck, a cuddle, a hug. I wipe down handles he touches, spray lysol on his shoes, wipe his electronics, etc. It is not good. I was texting my friend yesterday and I told her about how I was acting and she said, "well if this is the thing that gets me I do not want to go out like that." It was jarring. I need to somehow change my mindset.

31-03-20, 15:51
I know exactly where you are coming from. My husband is an essential employee so while the kids and I have been in quarantined for 2+ weeks now, not leaving the house except for our daily walks/bike rides, he is regularly working with others. I am nervous about ANY intimacy which includes a peck, a cuddle, a hug. I wipe down handles he touches, spray lysol on his shoes, wipe his electronics, etc. It is not good. I was texting my friend yesterday and I told her about how I was acting and she said, "well if this is the thing that gets me I do not want to go out like that." It was jarring. I need to somehow change my mindset.

We are in similar situations. My wife still has to work 2 or 3 days a week in her office, while I have been at home for a month now teleworking. I love her, and I do want to be intimate, but I'm terrified she will bring the bug home with her. But hearing what your friend said has really made me think twice: "well if this is the thing that gets me I do not want to go out like that."

Maybe I should be more "gather ye rose buds whilst ye may", and hold her tight every night. Nobody gets out of here alive anyway, sooner or later.