View Full Version : Scared

11-10-07, 02:26
Hi Guys

Gosh i'm having a hard day again. Havn't had my missed beats/extra beats badly for a few days but they started last night. Now they're doing it every other beat and i can feel the panic rising which will make them worse.:lac: Also I have indigestion with them and its driving me crazy.

I am so fed up of feeling good for a few days when i don't have them then they come back and i think thats it i'm about to drop dead.



11-10-07, 02:33
Hello Tracy,

You've identified the problem yourself....i can feel the panic rising which will make them worse.

So the answer is? Learn to RELAX and chill out Before things reach this point, and all the symptoms Will stop. In the past few days you've been fine so you know it Is possible to feel ok. Try to remember to nip it in the bud before it gains control over you. :hugs:

11-10-07, 02:52
thanks Bill, you are so right. I think the hard thing is i can never decide if slight panic or stress brings them on or whether they start then i panic so they carry on and i feel like i'm going to faint or worse!

I also remember my doctor telling me that when i had the holter monitor often when i reported feeling things my heart wasn't beating strange so perhaps some of it is wind. I don't know but by the time i've panicked they are full force and every few seconds.

Thanks for your words Bill, i will try and relax.

Thanks again

11-10-07, 03:21
Hi again Tracy,

From what your doctors said I suspect what's happening is you experience some stress which causes an adrenaline rush which in turn causes the missed/extra beats but then that panics you further which means more adrenaline is produced and so on in a vicious cycle.

Also we do actually build up wind because when we are anxious we swallow more and so the air we're swallowing builds up within us. That's why people often chew gum when they're nervous. It also stops them grinding their teeth which also causes headaches and toothaches.

I'm quite sure that if you can find a good relaxation method when the symptoms start, it'll stop the cycle.

I'm glad what I said was of some help. :hugs:

11-10-07, 03:58
Thanks once again Bill, you're a star :)

Its just hard to shake off the fear even when they have calmed down that something must be drastically wrong with me or my heart to get things like that. Then i ponder whether to call the doctors again or go to hospital, it just gets very confusing.

13-10-07, 19:39
Hi Guys

Gosh i'm having a hard day again. Havn't had my missed beats/extra beats badly for a few days but they started last night. Now they're doing it every other beat and i can feel the panic rising which will make them worse.:lac: Also I have indigestion with them and its driving me crazy.

I am so fed up of feeling good for a few days when i don't have them then they come back and i think thats it i'm about to drop dead.


TracyL....calm down your going to be o.k.I have missed beats every day and when i get indigestion it makes them worse too.I know when the panic kicks in and the missed beats start you think.."god this is it im going to die",because that what i feel like.You need to try and keep a lid on the panic setting in,i find that is the key with me as soon as i feel the panic kicking in i start to take slow deep breaths in through my nose and out through my mouth and tell myself "calm down neil its happened before and your still here",Another great thing i found out was to really visualize an ice cube melting slowly and think in your minds eye in great detail how its melting what it looks like things like that.With a bit of practice it can help to breat the cycle of when the attack comes on and you stress like mad and wait for next missed beat!!!.Im trying to battle this and at the mo i have more bad days than good but i think its helping me so it may help you.TracyL stay strong and try to relax a little bit,its happened before and your still here.Good luck!!!

13-10-07, 20:01
hi tracy i get the missed heart beat thing too i find that indigestion makes it worse also. the best thing to due is not to panic.i sometimes get it everyother beat also. try to distract yourself. hard i know. but as time goes on it gets easier. believe me when you dont panic about it it does go away. but i know how you feel. they are very scarey. but it does get better
luv debera:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

13-10-07, 22:24
I agree with everyone else, mine arn't helped by wind either!!!

None of us like this particular symptom hun so I totally understand - I know I have said it before but Meg always used to tell me to try not to give them anymore importance than a run of sneezes and I find this keeps it in perspective and stops me making more of it than I need to.

Love Piglet :flowers:

14-10-07, 01:28
I'm just thinking outloud for a mo.

I know I've mentioned in other posts how side effects of meds can actually make palpitations feel worse than they are but I always wonder if it's a bit like OCD because it's an obsessive thought constantly listening and focussing on every palpitation, and of course as soon as one is felt, it triggers the thought cycle again every day.

As piglet says, it's learning to treat them just like a sneeze so that the sufferer is no longer obsessed by them and so the compulsion is removed to keep listening for them.

I'm not sure if that's a correct analysis but it does just seem similar.
Just a thought. :shrug:

14-10-07, 03:18
Hi everyone

thanks heaps guys for your words they help such a lot. I find I am at the stage at the minute where i seem to get terrible erratic heartbeat or whatever when i'm sitting or in bed. If i am moving around don't feel them or not getting them not sure which! Hence now when i sit down or go to bed boom they start then its nearly every beat and goes on all night etc. Makes it very hard to sleep.
I know they're not going to go until i lose the fear but gee, wish there was an easy way to lose it.
Must admit, i did give in yesterday and went to the A&E room. Of course i still had the miss beats but not like they come at night. Doctor and nurses were lovely and said nothing to worry about but last night back they came with a vengeance and all i could think was 'well i wish my heart had done this as bad when i was at the hospital'. Still you would think if there was heart problem it would show up on the ECG and not just intermittantly (not sure how to spell that).

Sorry about the long reply just needed to get this off my chest.

Thanks guys you're the best
