View Full Version : Near panic attack again?

01-04-20, 02:05
Hey guys. I'm freaking out right now, since lock down I've been having much more coffee than I would usually have, actually, before, I stopped drinking coffee as I found out it might have had a co-realtion to my palpitations, now I'm having them frequently again, I'm so worried as right now I was lying in the couch I felt one, then I felt a hot flush, I've had heart tests done a few months ago for these palps, everything fine, Im near Panicking over this. And to help I've been having this discomfort on my belly on the left side and I'm worried about that as well. I'm Panicking because I can't get these things checked now.

01-04-20, 02:12
So for me, too much coffee makes my anxiety sooooo much worse. I would be willing to bet that the overload of caffeine is causing all your issues right now. I have one cup of caffeinated coffee in the morning, and sometimes a cup of decaf at night. Other than that, I only drink water. Maybe try cutting back the coffee and see if that helps.