View Full Version : Something I'd like to share about Symptoms

29-01-05, 14:03
I was taking a course last night on line about stress and all the things it
can do to you. They say stress is not the cause of your symptoms, it is how you perceive stress. Stress does play a factor because it gets your mind thinking and then the negative thoughts take us to the tension, chest pains, stomach pains and palputations. They also showed a little test. They said to imagine a lemon and posted a big juicy lemon on the screen and decribed it. At the end they asked " did your have more salva in your mouth before reaading. I did, then they stated - See how powerful your mind is. So when we have negative thoughts or pains in our chest or bad headaches which are stress, instead of finding are stress problem it has not been a negative health problem so we perceive the problem as bad for our health and then fear our bodies.

I did find it sooo intesting and reading all different views helps, because you can pick up different things that help retrain your thoughts.

Thanks for reading,

29-01-05, 14:21
hello TT,

It is very true that our anxiety develops from how our minds perceive things around us. If we are able to change that, then we have the chance of getting over our anxiety.

Sarah :D

29-01-05, 22:23
ow wow!!! thats amazing!

Scooter Girl AKA Jade

30-01-05, 12:56

That is an interesting way of looking at it, thanks for posting it up. I do find that it helps a lot to see this from all different viewpoints, it's kind of like putting a jigsaw puzzle together in your head, and the more pieces you have in, then the more you understand the big picture. I think I need to look into this more actually.
