View Full Version : Is this GAD symptoms

11-10-07, 12:15
hi, im 34 and feel like crap everyday. Ive seen lots of doctors threw the years and the diagnosis is anxiety disorder. Ive had this now for the last 14 years and id say its steadily got worse going from a mere sole panic attack to now a very dibilitating condition that never leaves me, i have been unable to work for the last 5 years and in the last three years i cant even venture out socially. In fact i cant even drive more than a mile away from the house without feeling like im being crushed and cant breathe and a feeling of total dread and suffering. I cant handle sitting at traffic lights or traffic jams. The docs are always looking for the fault my need to escape from these situations, but im of the opinion that i feel bad generally and that when i go somewhere that i cant retreat from quickly the panic i feel goes through the roof, i dont know why i feel this general bad feeling in the background all the time regardless of what im doing or where i am. Does anyone else feel like this. I am so confused i have tried everything from fighting it to accepting it totally and ignoring it as much as i can but it still just hovers within me, its relentless. Im wondering if it is psycological in origin or maybe it really is a illness of flesh and blood, something that can't be changed. To make the picture clearer of how i feel im sitting here at the computer but my muscles feel unable to let go, i usually sit all contorted up, i feel like i cant go anywhere everything feels like a huge task. I feel like im being crushed, i cant do anything to escape it i just feel like theres no other thing to do but endure this suffering. I feel fatigued all the time, i sleep at night but i feel continually like i havent slept for a week and my body feels like a lead weight, i havent the energy to do anything, i use to exercise and run everyday now i cant even run 50 meters, its like hell on earth. SOmeone talk to me, tell me im not the only one. Is there anything anyone's done to help themself, or what about similar symptoms. Everything i read talks about panic attacks , this has gone way past panic attacks i live with this every waking minute.

11-10-07, 12:44
Hi there,

Your SOOOOO not the only one!!! In my opinion you have without a shaddow of a doubt GAD. The feelings, phobia's and fears you explain in your thread are felt by most of us on this site on a daily basis.

Have you been into the chat room yet? there is usualy quite a few people in there, It's a nice way to share stories and many will be able to offer good advice.

If not the the main forum holds alot of valuable information.

Best of luck
