View Full Version : Breaking my own rule(!)... Histamine (long post, make a cuppa first)

11-10-07, 12:46
After bucket-loads of tests to rule out any physical reason for my anxiety I forced myself to believe that it must have a psychological root cause (I was/am doubtful however because I don't worry about stuff, the initial onset of the anxiety was sudden and without apparent cause, it doesn't seem to be situation-specific etc etc).

Having kept to this rule for 18 months I have just broken it by looking into the role of histamine, this seems to describe my situation fairly well (although I have no medical training and an internet connection which is a dangerous combination :) ).

- Coincident with the anxiety starting I have had to give up drinking as on a few ocassions I feinted after only 3 or 4 pints (alcohol inhibits the breakdown of histamine, histamine lowers blood pressure). The feinting was slightly less annoying than the p***-taking by my mates.

- Also coincident with the anxiety starting was an increase in reaction to bites/stings. Flea bites produce big bumps and horse-fly bites cause my whole hand to swell-up. This never used to happen before (although horse-fly bites did make me swear :) ). Anti-histamines reduces these effects.

- I suffer from itchy/red patches of skin which were always made worse in the past by alcohol and now by foods which I have subsequently learnt contain histamine (mature cheese, cured meats etc).

- I (like a lot of people here) seem to get some relief by keeping topped up with water, histamine is a signal for the body that you are getting dehydrated.

- I am already worried about how long this post is getting but I fit other (internet alleged!) criteria for a high histamine individual (long fingers, slim build, excess saliva....oooh nice).

So my question is, if you have stuck with me this far, does anyone know anything about the role of histamine in anxiety (apparently it is because it lowers your blood pressure, making your heart beat faster and your mind interprets that as a response to a threat)?

Am I just trying to fit a square peg in a round hole just because I want to be able to? I've searched this forum for histamine-related posts but it all seemed a bit inconclusive (but interesting). If anyone has any good sources of *credible* info' then I would love to see them. I get the feeling this isn't sufficiently 'mainstream' to discuss with my GP, or perhaps I am being unfair?

Thanks for reading this far,


13-10-07, 23:02
Hi Jakob,

Some of my posts have been novels, so don't worry there! Its hard sometimes to explain yourself well in a short way.

I'm sorry I don't know about histamines. And yes the internet can be a dangerous tool :-). But seeing your doctor could be a good thing. If this is bothering you its best to get expert advice. My doc doesnt always know everything, but they can certainly find out easily, and understand the information they have.

Sorry I cant help more. :)

14-10-07, 03:11
Hmm, I seem to be having high levels of histamine ever since I had PAs and anxiety too. At least I suffer from allergies a whole lot worse than I used to. I had allergies in the past but this year it really struck me for a loop. So many tissue boxes...wasted...:D I'm also more prone to hives (I've always had senstive skin but it's a little more senstive now).

I have long fingers (people thought I should play the piano when I was little) and excess saliva too (it's a blast going to the dentist :D). However, I don't have a slim build, lol.