View Full Version : Help please!

02-04-20, 18:09
Today I went to the corner shop I had a mask on and someone nearby was smoking weed enough that when I got home an hour ago my heart rate has not come down from between 90-100!
I know I am intolerant to weed and before I realised I had inhaled it it was too late and I tried to move but equally I was in a social distancing queue and therefore couldn’t escape! I feel weird and I’ve gone like Ice please can someone advise me what to do! I feel like I am going to pass out

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02-04-20, 18:11
Just sit down and drink water; chances are that your anxiety will be making it worse. Masks also make it harder to breathe, so that could be a factor.

02-04-20, 18:32
I'm sure you will be fine. Make sure you get plenty of snacks in incase you get the munchies 😀 I have regularly walked past people smoking weed.

02-04-20, 20:32
Maybe you didn't inhale as much as you thought you might have with the mask on? The thing about panic attacks, some attacks can be so bad they make you feel like you are about to pass out, but that rarely happens. And I've had my blood pressure stay up for a little over 2 hours from a panic attack.

02-04-20, 20:54
Thanks everyone now I’m concerned if I managed to inhale that much weed fumes could I potentially be at risk of coronavirus too could the person immiting fumes have contaminated me

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03-04-20, 10:50
In a word, 'No' Phoenixess :hugs: x

03-04-20, 19:19
Even if you did, the overwhelming probability is that you will survive it. Over 80% of people OVER 90 years old RECOVER from covid-19.

But reassurance is not what you need.