View Full Version : Coughing and chest x ray

11-10-07, 14:34
I saw my GP yesterday, I had bronchitis in July/early august and it took weeks to clear. I still have a strained feeling in my chest, GP said its just a strain and I still have abit of a cough at times. I am occasionally getting a wheezy/tickly feeling in my throat and chest which makes me want to itch my chest and chin???lol! My GP suspects mild asthma or inflammation from the bronchitis. I am to do a 2 week peak flow diary.

3 weeks ago my GP said my chest was 100% clear when he listened in, he didn't listen to my chest yesterday. I am just wondering if I should be sent for a chest xray, am I daft because surely id be flu like and coughing up gunk??? my temp is fine, i dont feel unwell, i just have an annoying cough now and again which feels like its in my throat, not my chest.

My GP knows best I know, im just worrying as ive had these probs for so long:blush: my kids are all coughing at the moment, my eldest child has a chest infection, im praying I don't get the cough and cold, paranoid I will get bronchitis again, my GP says I shouldn't now ive had it once as im not in an at risk category.

13-10-07, 01:40
If the cough is in your throat and not in your chest, then a chest x ray won't tell you anything. Infections often hang around like this and there really is nothing you can do about it except a healthy diet, fresh air and be patient. Really hard I know, but your doc is absolutely right. I'm a radiographer by the way, so I know about chest xrays!!!

13-10-07, 17:15
Hi there

Ive been suffering really bad with a itchy kinda cough in my throat too.

My chest seems clear but i bring up what feels like itchy phelgm(yucks)

My doc thinks its due to acid reflux as that can cause a cough.

Do you have acid?

take care tracie x

15-10-07, 10:27
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh thanks, that makes alot of sense then as to why my GP wanted me to carry on the ranitidine tablets, yes i suffer with wind ALOT, lol!

Thanks so much. The cough is just in my throat, feel better about it now.