View Full Version : Back with headache (brain tumour anxiety)

03-04-20, 12:41
Hi everyone!

I’m back to reach out for some support please. I’m on the edge of another breakdown and am really trying to stop myself from falling!

My problem is I have been having really bad headaches every single day for 6 weeks! My anxiety increased and I increased my citalopram dosage but this made me feel so dizzy and sick I couldn’t cope and had to come back down, Iv been on my normal dose now for over a week but the dizziness and nausea is still there!!

This is making me think it’s not the tablets side effects it was a brain tumour that my headaches were warning me about which is now getting worse and worse! I feel sick all day long it’s overwhelming and the lightheaded ness it also just as bad along with the pain in my head!!

I had an mri two years ago for these long chronic headaches as I have suffered in the past but they totally went away for a year when I was pregnant and after wards and they were never with sickness and dizziness this is what worrying me!

I’m think an mri two years ago is too long ago and I would need a new one to rule out a serious issue!

Thanks for your time x

03-04-20, 19:15
You’re not going to have a breakdown. You need to change your mindset right now to thinking: “so what if I have a f****** brain tumour. I can’t control this, so I’m going to enjoy my life either way”

I am telling you from bitter experience that this is the only way out of your health anxiety loop of chasing reassurance, getting it, getting more symptoms, asking for more reassurance.

Reassurance seeking is not the answer. Believe me, I have been there.

15-04-20, 16:22
Well I’m still feeling pretty much the same! Really bad nausea all day, weird dizzy feeling and headaches, I’m feeling a pressure in the back of my head especially when I lay down which is horrible!

I have been having issue woth my ear my hearing went and I was having a little bit of pain but this has now passed but I still feel really bad woth the other symptoms. I rang the gp to discuss this and he thinks it’s all down to my ears but I really don’t think it is.

My MRI and CT scan 2 years ago were clear and also a full nuero exam I had a year ago also didn’t show anything but 2 years is a long time ago and is wouldn’t of shown a tumour that early?

15-04-20, 16:25
My mind is also working over time now as the go said unless I have actually been sick or have double vision or problems moving about he is assured it my ears, but my eyes do play up they feel like the flicker some times and feel like they can’t keep up woth my movements with all this dizziness feeling I don’t know what to do, I don’t want to go to hospital as I know they are so stretched but I can’t shake the feeling something is happening!