View Full Version : PCOS and Age? Chances of Pregnancy?

03-04-20, 15:21
So, I've been thinking a lot about pregnancy,, generally because everyone around me seems to be going through it.

I'm 32 year old woman, and I'm haven't been in a relationship for years, I do have PCOS and I'm also Hypothyroid (I am on Eltroxin 50mcg for it though). Since August last year I've been taking Leonore 100/20mcg to regulate my periods.

I have had irregular periods since I was a teenager, but the last couple of years or so, they've been particularly irregular. Sometimes I wouldn't have a period for 3 months, then I'd have my period for 4 months straight, then sometimes I could have a normal period once a month for 2/3 months. Thankfully, the birth control has given me a period every month on time.

At this moment, I'm feeling very frightened that I may never have kids. I don't have the opportunity to meet someone right now in my life (nor in the pandemic situation either), and I'm scared because I'm 32, and my time is ticking away so to say. I'm also slightly overweight, by about a stone and a half, I do have really bad anxiety and depression, and in the current situation, I'm super stressed too.

Lots of things are plagueing my mind, and this is one that keeps niggling me. I think to myself, ''I could never afford all that fertility treatment, unless I saved for a few years, but how old would I be then? And with PCOS, how improbably will it be?'.

I'm feeling the pressure. I'm feeling very lost and confused, as I don't have a partner, I've never tried to get pregnant before, but I do have PCOS, and I see all this stuff online about the troubles and problems and how age makes it more and more harder. I don't know what to do, I feel panicky about my options and age.

Being 32 and probably the chances of meeting someone and having a baby in the next 2 years looks unlikely (especially with how long this quarantine may go on too), I'll be near 35 by then, and I read online that it says your fertility starts to decline from 32, and its better if you try before 35 to get pregnant, after that it becomes increasingly difficult.

It is just starting to feel overwhelming, because I would like children, and I don't want to disappoint my family if I can't have children, and their is a prejudice here in Ireland, as many women my age already have kids, and its a pressure things too.

I wouldn't care what age I was when I had a kid, whether it was 35 or 36 or 38, just as long as I knew I could have them, and I didn't feel so hopeless at the moment about it. It often has me sobbing with worry.

Will it be more difficult because I'm not in my 30's with PCOS? I don't want to feel like time is running out so quickly, that I may still have options available in the next few years. Sorry, I talk to no one about this, but just needed to talk about it as its eating me up inside.

03-04-20, 15:32
My friend has pcos and thyroid problems. She did need ivf for her first pregnancy but they think that the problem might have been undiagnosed thyroid problems. For her 2nd she fell pregnant first try. She was late 30’s.

03-04-20, 15:51
That's some positive news. I don't mind if I do need help, or if I'm older, its just the feeling of (what if I never can) ya know? I think being sat in so much is making me think about a lot of things and this has been one that I've thought a lot about. Thanks @Scass!

24-06-20, 15:27
I'm in a very deep depression at the moment. It's mainly to do with worries of not being able to have babies in the future. I feel like everything is against me, my PCOS, my Hypothyroid, even my little bit of weight gain, and being single, I doubt I'll be in a position to meet anyone in the next couple years, and who would want one as well.

I've been reading so much about this that it's made me think I'm never going to have one, that having all this, coming up to nearly 33, and running out of time that it's just going to get harder. I can't talk to anyone about it, we're in the middle of a pandemic still, and I'm scared it won't happen for me.

I even thought about donor sperm, but what if my PCOS and hypothyroid stop even that from happening? I know this depression is being brought on by my hormones as well at the moment, because I'm seeing so many people having babies, much younger than me too, and it's making me cry and feel despair too. I'm not in the position to have a child right now, financially and other factors, but I would love to have one within the next 3-5 years if possible. I'm just feeling very hopeless at the moment about it all.

The stress is draining me about this, I think about it most days. Is their any advice or hope with someone over 30+ with PCOS and Thyroid issues to have children? I can't find many reliable things online to help.

24-06-20, 15:39
Hi Mischa,

My friend has thyroid issues and PCOS and had her first baby age 36 via IVF. However they weren’t aware of the thyroid condition for the years she was trying to get pregnant. With her 2nd when she was on the correct treatment she got pregnant straight away with no assistance.

So there is hope. You’re on the right medication. You just need to manage the anxiety and find a partner. X

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24-06-20, 19:13
Yeah, I think it's a small crisis I'm having, probably because of my age too, I start worrying about my future, and worries about not being able to afford stuff. I know if I needed something like IVF, I could get a loan, because it would be for something important, and probably the only reason I'd get a loan too.

I'm just getting bouts of panic over the whole baby thing. I'm taking my medications, and am on Microlite for my periods to keep them regulated for now, which has immensely helped bring them on time every month. I need to work on getting the bit of extra weight I've put on (and now the extra few pounds from the lockdown too!).

I'm also single, which could be making me feel worried too, but hopefully I have time for that too. Thanks Scass! I just need to try remind myself theirs still hope it could happen for me too x

29-06-20, 10:14
I completely understand.

I am 31 and very much want to be a mother. I don't have PCOS, but I do have other fertility problems - low ovarian reserve (so kinda the opposite of you) and an overactive immune system which has caused recurrent miscarriage. I have hypothyroidism as well.

Like you, I'm single and although I try to date I can't see myself magically meeting somebody and settling down and having babies within the next couple of years!

I've started IVF as a single woman, using donor sperm, and I'm hoping that eventually I'll get to be a mum. I wouldn't exactly 'recommend' doing IVF as a single woman, but for some people like me it is the right choice.

If you did go for IVF, it would probably be quite successful! With PCOS you are likely to have many eggs retrieved. The problem may be the quality of the eggs - but there are particular medicines you can take and protocols you can follow to improve your egg quality prior to retrieval. Your hypothyroidism would need to be managed to prevent problems during pregnancy. Your irregular periods wouldn't be a problem because your cycles would be artificially controlled during IVF.

The main thing, I imagine, is be the cost. Is there any way you could start saving now? You are still young and there is a good chance that you would only need one egg retrieval. If you decided that you didn't want to do it alone, or if you met somebody down the line, you could use the IVF money for something else! 😁

It's a lot to think about, and it can be overwhelming and very depressing - I know. IVF was the right thing for me, but not for everybody. You still have every chance of becoming a mother, either naturally or via IVF. I know women much older, with many fertility problems, who have succeeded.

All the very best of luck to you.

14-12-20, 22:24
I finished my pill on the 12th Oct (the week I took my 7 day break), after I decided to take a break, nearly 70 days on, I still haven't had a bleed? I am getting clear discharge every so often. Is this normal after stopping the pill with having PCOS?

Anything I can do to help make me regular again?

22-12-20, 23:05
I'm coming into my 3rd month without a period after stopping my Microlite 50mcg back in October. Is this normal after stopping the pill or should I be worried? I got my bloods done last week, and I was told my iron is low at 12. Just looking for some advice?

27-01-21, 21:50
It's been almost 4 months and still no periods. I'm starting to freak out a bit. I sometimes have very clear discharge, and often have very mild cramping but nothing. As I have PCOS, is this what is causing it? I also have my neck scan for my lump tomorrow, which I'm nervous about.

I've had a very stressful time lately, personal family issues too.

I'm starting to really get worried about not having my period this long.

27-01-21, 22:28
Hey there, I've just been reading through your thread. I'm so sorry you're feeling so low about things at the moment.
I can't offer any advice on your PCOS or why you haven't had a period since coming off the pill.

But do you have a doctor you can talk to? I know it can take time for the body to settle down after stopping the pill but I've no idea how long it can take. It probably wouldn't do any harm to ring the doctor to see if this is normal, or if there's anything you can do to bring on your period. Don't let it be going around in your head stressing you when a doctor might be able to give you a simple explanation.

And as for having a baby, nobody knows what the future holds. You still have plenty of time to get pregnant so please don't lost hope. I have a friend who always wanted to have kids. That's all she ever talked about. By the time she was 35 she had no kids and no boyfriend but refused to give up hope. She met someone when she was 37 and was pregnant a year later. She had twins and she will be 40 this year. So there's always hope.

I'm not sure what your neck scan is about tomorrow but the best of luck with it. I hope it goes well xx

06-02-21, 13:51
Spoke to my doctor last week about it, she said it was likely down to my PCOS, and that I should try lose some weight to help, which I've wanted to do, but I can't seem to budge it at all lately and I'm not overeating at all, actually keeping to a calorie deficit.

I'm having a hard week this week, I've had mild cramping and feel bloated or just big. To be in my healthy weight range I need to lose about 21lbs. I'm also feeling very worried and anxious about Ovarian Cancer, which I Googled (I know) and it talks of 'vague' symptoms and some of what I had was there, like bloating and cramps with no periods (though I have PCOS and just stopped the pill almost 4 months ago now). I'm also having very tender breasts, which I always get before my periods but so far no period.

She said if my period didn't come in the next few weeks (think she said 4-6 weeks), just to go back on the pill.

I have so much on my mind, I feel overloaded and I am super tired too. I don't know what to do really.

09-02-21, 13:54
Still no periods, and I'm having ocassional very mild cramps. It'll be 4 months in a few days, and I'm just feeling worried. I also keep thinking about ovarian cancer because of what it all says about the symptoms. I have PCOS so I know that is a part of it, not to mention all the stress, and I'm having terrible acne, I can't seem to lose weight, in fact I seem to be gaining (if slowly, even though I'm watching what I'm eating and staying within a calorie deficit). Not sure what I'm doing wrong, and always so tired from worry and fear.

09-02-21, 19:28
I don’t see why you’re worried about ovarian cancer when everything points to PCOS Mischa. Your doctor has told you this.

Also in your age group, is relatively unheard of.

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11-02-21, 19:36
I'm just not myself at the moment, and the PCOS is making it all very hard, I've even fallen back into binging on chocolate, which isn't even making me feel good, I just feel sick. I know this is like hormones gone wild right now. I'm just wondering if its best for me to just go back on the BC pill to help with all the symptoms I'm suffering from now, no periods, acne, weight fluctuating (mainly gaining), binging on sweets, etc. It's all becoming a bit too much to handle at the moment, espcially in lockdown. I'm just worrying about my weight getting out of control, I've already put on 5lbs or so in the last 4 months, which feels like a 100lbs.

It may help to even control my cravings that seem out of control right now.

Thanks Scass, I'm just very stressed out with so many things at the moment.

11-02-21, 19:52
I think I’ve put on a similar amount too. Lockdown is hard for everyone, and you need to get through the days as well as you can.
I know you have dogs, so do you get out for exercise?
Go back on BC if you think it may help, it might be worth a try.

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11-02-21, 20:32
@Scass Yeah, I walk them everyday, just don't think I'm getting enough walking though. I give the dogs a good run, but probably not getting enough myself. Yeah, I know I need to try harder, I think this lockdown has just made me feel much more isolated and restricted than I realized. I'll work on trying to get a bit more exercise first, and then work on cutting back on the craving foods and go from there.