View Full Version : Does this sound like perimenopause? Sick with worry!

04-04-20, 14:00
Hi ladies, can anyone give me some reassurance here as I'm going crazy with anxiety over this. My periods were usually every 32 days, give or take a day. For the last couple of years they could be 1-2 weeks late or a week early. In February I posted here about my period starting early, only 15 days after the last one had started (the last one being the most heaviest I've ever had). Last month (March) it was a bit longer between, beginning 25 days after the start of the last one. So yesterday I noticed brown when I wiped which usually happens at the start of my period, this morning it looks like I'm starting my period again, only 16 days after starting the last one! I have noticed that I have been waking up in the early hours of the morning sweating even though I have a huge fan pointing at me. I've also been very irritable & crying. I'm 36. Could this be perimenopause? I keep having anxiety attacks thinking I've got something seriously wrong with me. Sorry it's long but I'd appreciate any reassurance or anyone have a similar story to mine.

Edit - forgot to mention that all this week I have had trouble falling asleep & staying asleep.

04-04-20, 14:03
I think my periods started to be odd when I was around that age. I'm 43 now, and every month brings a new surprise - that's how I landed up on citalopram. In your position, what I'd do is try not to panic and touch base with your GP when it becomes possible. They'll be able to reassure you and answer any questions you have.

04-04-20, 15:46
Yes, it definitely could be perimenopause at 36 years old - it is on the younger side for starting it but there are plenty who do at 36 yo. Considering the process of peri can go on for a decade (!!!) before you reach meno (12 months without a period) then it is perfectly possible that the process is starting for you now. It is also perfectly possible for some people to have a short perimeno time-frame and enter complete meno much earlier than the average 50/51 years old. I will say that if you are 36 you should talk with your doctor about your symptoms - they certainly 'shout' hormone imbalance to me, but the cause might not be peri but for some other reason (Polycystic ovaries and birth control problems being two possible ouot of many other non-sinister reasons). I think you should also log down the cycles, the length of bleed, the heaviness of the bleed, the length between, other symptoms and anything relevant to discuss with your health care provider and maybe they could run some female sex hormone bloods. However, saying that, many GPs will only deal with verbal symptom lists, as hormone bloods are notoriously inaccurate when women are having erratic cycle changes. In the early stages of peri many women have shortening of the cycle, but it sounds to me like you are only having a gap of about a week before the next one starts - thats not out of the ballpark, but very draining especially if they are heavy.

What you describe, including the 2-3 years of your cycles being a few days earlier or later is what happened to me exactly, before my cycle became heavier and much closer together for a few years, then moved into entirely erratic LOL.

04-04-20, 16:08
Yes, it can be. I'm also 36 and have many sure signs of perimenopause. This is a great article: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/01/18/797354824/menopause-starts-younger-than-you-think-heres-what-you-need-to-know

05-04-20, 01:41
I think it’s very possible it’s peri! I’m 40 and have noticed changes over the last couple years. I think the doc can do blood tests or something to confirm but I just haven’t gone to get them done - and I’m definitely not going anywhere near a doc right now!! Try not to panic too much. I know it’s hard when we start varying from what we see as “normal” for ourselves.