View Full Version : Hello

29-01-05, 14:29
Hello there everyone

I have been suffering with depression now for nearly 7 years. Last september things in my life were going really well, so me bewing the impatient person that I am decided to take myself off of my pills, without telling anyone. It was all going really well, til I decided to hand in my notice. I was a manager of a pub, and the lifestyle just wasn't for me anymore. I thought that moving back in with my parents, and leaving my best friend (Ben) in the world in portsmouth would be a good idea. I was til the fact that I was unemployed started to really play on my mind.
Now I'm moody, crying for no apparent reason and generally exhausted, i mean what can i possibly get exhausted from? I sit at the computer every day for hours trying to find a job, I have become a complete slob, and some days I don't even get out of my pjamas!
I know what is happening, but i really don't want to go back on drugs, is there anyone that can give me a good alternative? anything that wil stop me from having outbursts at my love ones, even when they haven't done anything wrong!
I hate feeling like this, I don't want it to consume me like it has in the past.
Answers on a postcard....

Kt x

29-01-05, 14:35
hi and welcome im sure as you read other postings on here you will find that most of us have been or are in the position that you are but by using the forum and seeing how people help themselves to get better you might feel better about yourself

fan x

29-01-05, 15:03
Hi Kt

I know what it's like to lack any motivation and have a general feeling of lethargy. It sounds strange, but it seems that doing nothing is often more exhausting than leading a busy life. Once you get out and start doing a few things and have some goals, or at least something to look forward to, then things seem to become a lot easier. It's just getting to that point and breaking the habit that is the difficult bit. Maybe you should consider some hobbies, even just something like walking, just something to get you going again.

I hope you can find the help you need here.

Welcome to the site.


29-01-05, 15:32
hello kt,

Welcome to the site!! :)

I think that what Mico says is a good idea. The more hobbies we have and the more occupied we keep ourselves, the less free time our brains have to think and become depressed. I have suffered from anxiety for about 18 months now and the one thing that has helped me combat it is keeping myself very busy.

I'm sure you will find loads of support here and meet lots of very nice people!!

Sarah :D

29-01-05, 16:04
Hi Kt

Just want to say welcome to the site.

There are very nice people here who will give you
help and support.



What we are today comes from our thoughts
of yesterday and our present thoughts build
our life of tomorrow.
Our life is the creation of our mind.

29-01-05, 16:22
Hi Kt

Welcome to the forum. I'm sorry to hear you are feeling so bad at the moment. I've struggled with depression for a number of years and am currently going through a particularly bad spell. I know what you mean about feeling exhausted not doing anything, and the lack of motivation. I also struggle to even force myself out of bed most days, let alone getting dressed or going out anywhere.

As others have said, finding things to do to occupy your time can help but you need to feel motivated enough in the first place to be able to do that, and I know it is virtually impossible most days.

I can understand your reluctance to take medication again. I too am trying to avoid taking antidepressants. Have you considered having some counselling?

A good site for information about depression, treatments and ways to help yourself through it is:


We'll do what we can to help and support you through this.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

29-01-05, 16:30
Hi Kt

Welcome to the site
You will find lots of help and support here

Take care

Elaine x

29-01-05, 19:35
Hi Kt,
Sorry to hear your having such a rough time at the moment,stick around you'll find lots of tips and advice on here.

Welcome to the site.


30-01-05, 12:01
Hi and welcome. I get depressed if i just sit around the house so i get up and do my housework and then go out. I tend to have a better day if im doing something.

30-01-05, 15:53

Welcome to the forum.

Do you manage to get out much - even if it is just for a walk?

Are you able to do some exercise such as swimming?

I hope we can offer you some advice and support on here.


31-01-05, 22:11
hello everyone

just wanted to say thanks for the support from everyone. Have even managed to take the dog for a walk today in the woods, which blew a few cobwebs away. And have been offered a provisional job, they just have to find a place to put me and the jobs mine![Yeah!]
so hopefully things are starting to look up.

thanks everyone

Katie x

put things in perspective, take a balanced view, when u start to count your troubles, count your blessings too.

31-01-05, 22:48
Hi Katie

That's excellent news about the job. I'm glad you are feeling a bit better.

Well done for getting out for a while and taking the dog for a walk.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

01-02-05, 17:23

Great news about the job. Is it something that you really wanted to do?

Good luck and let us know how it goes.


01-02-05, 17:28
Hi Katie

Good luck with the job, it's obviously made you feel a lot better as you've been out and about.

Take care

Elaine x