View Full Version : Sore tips of fingers and toes?

05-04-20, 10:48
All of the tips of my fingers and toes are tingly and also sore to press. Has anyone else experienced this?? It’s been on and off for a few months but the last few days it’s been constant. It’s worse when I go for a walk and also I think it’s worse in a hot bath. Any ideas? I’m really worried. Thank you.

05-04-20, 15:57
I have tingly finger tips both sides, all fingers, which I have managed to keep after being treated for a trapped nerve in my neck which initially affected my right hand and then my left hand, and despite 4 months Physio, I have been left with residual numbness / tingling in alternation, to the tips of all fingers other than my thumbs. I mentioned it to my GP recently and he said that whilst it may just be the effect of nerve damage, and it could take forever for it to recover, it could also be down to Vit B12 deficiency so did a blood form to check that

I've not had it done yet simply because I haven't been anywhere including the practice to collect it, but I mention it that it could be something very easily rectified!