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View Full Version : Massive flare up struggling

05-04-20, 14:46
Yesterday was my birthday and my girlfriend cooked me a huge fry up and I have dominos pizza for dinner (a lot of it and chicken wings / wedges / garlic bread) and then a massive piece of cake and it’s fair to say today I’m struggling massively with my ibs,

My tummy is in agony, I keep having to poo, my chest and stomach are burning and I feel a bit sick is this normal??

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05-04-20, 14:58
It is after you've eaten a pile of greasy crap, yes.

05-04-20, 15:00
Ok I just relaxed as it hasn’t played up for ages but my god do I regret having all that crap

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05-04-20, 15:30
That's like asking if it's normal for your head to hurt if you smash it against a brick wall :lac:

Happy Birthday, old chap :shades:

05-04-20, 15:33
I missed that bit, sorry! Happy belated birthday!

05-04-20, 16:39
Thanks hopefully it will settle down over the next few days

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05-04-20, 17:21
Just can’t stop worrying about crohns but I have been told it’s not that several times

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05-04-20, 17:24
You're correct, professionals have told you it isn't. These are stressful times; I'm getting IBS pain myself for the first time in ages.

05-04-20, 18:10
Cause and effect I am afraid.

07-04-20, 18:35
oh yeah mine flares up when I eat greasy food, I take a peppermint oil capsule and it helps a lot, happy late birthday.

12-04-20, 19:53
Struggling again today, stomach pain and urge to go to the toilet I had this middle of last year and it went and was told it’s anxiety and it’s come back and I’m trying to convince myself it’s anxiety again

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13-04-20, 13:01
Hi guys I’ve been doing really well for 3 months but last two days I’ve been suffering with a knot in my tummy feeling and sore bum (sorry if tmi) spoke to doc who says it’s the anxiety and the extra acid in my tummy making it sore when I pass a stool,

Who else here suffers with nervous tummy and the sore bum etc?

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13-04-20, 13:23
Most of us who have GAD.
Nothing there worth worrying over.

13-04-20, 13:50
Ok thank you is the sore bum just the acid?

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13-04-20, 13:51
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