View Full Version : coughing from one lung??????

06-04-20, 01:25
So i had allergies (living in Florida) - at least i hope so and not corona covid :scared15:. Anyways i had post nasal drip and then developed a dry cough that after about a week went to a wet cough (was able to expel phlegm, yak - sorry ab the descriptive nature of this - not excessive but happened on 3 occasions). The thing that worries me is that the wet cough was coming from left side (chest, lung, bronchi ???? not sure which one or if all are involved....) also at times there was wheezing on that side only as well. I have been having problems with left sinus and deviated septum on that side for years so i am not sure if this could affect the one lung only? I don't smoke (used to but i quit years ago, I'm 36yo female). The cough eased some but still get it after eating at times - never developed a fever.
Has anyone ever experience something similar??? Please let me know if you have so i can get some piece of mind. I have no desire to go to the doc office while this pandemic is taking place.
Thanks much!

06-04-20, 10:57
Hello, I can kinda relate to your post except I feel like this is happening in my right lung. I feel a tightness in my throat on the right side only, and can feel a wheeze or gurgle in my right side mid back too. However I’m not coughing up any phlegm. When I cough it’s more like a barking cough. I have had this for like two years now and it’s the main reason for my anxiety. I’m a 37 year old female and have never smoked. I’m wondering if mine is post nasal drip also.

06-04-20, 14:48
thank you for sharing your experience - it might be the post nasal drip which can be caused be so many different things.

06-04-20, 16:13
How can you tell you're coughing from one lung? That's not really how lungs work.

07-04-20, 01:25
i promise you i am coughing from the left side only (not sure if the lung or anything else leading to it on that side). Because the cough is wet, you can most definitely tell its coming from that side. There is not a single issue on the right side - where post nasal drip does not take place.

07-04-20, 11:41
I agree, I definitely feel like a wheeze is only coming from my right side. My left side feels completely clear.

07-04-20, 14:48
But saying the cough is only coming from one side is implying only one lung is working or expelling air. It's possible that only one is irritated, or one side of your pipes is irritated. Surely that's better than them both being irritated?

07-04-20, 21:37
of course -i will take one side over both lol. But when you have health anxiety and anything comes as unilateral is raising your anxiety even more. Because the "symmetry" is not there, if it makes sense.

23-05-20, 03:25
hi there.... I wanted to give you something I came across. I have the problem on the left (something stuck in throat on left side, wheezing from left and phlegm in left lung ). I was able to talk to a very nice lady I found on a health forum - she had this same exact issue and her posts were from years ago. She was nice enough to respond and said all those symptoms that she also had were related to silent reflux !!!!!! Her reflux was caused by gluten intolerance. I was so grateful she responded, bc the post was years old. She is now fine and recovered.