View Full Version : Dizziness, Sinus Pressure and Shortness of Breath

08-04-20, 17:45
Hi all,
In dire need of some help and support. I have suffered from anxiety and panic for around 10 years now and I have to say, it is getting worse. Or, at least it feels like it. I have crazy symptoms at the moment that are really really worrying me. I hope someone can relate to this and maybe give me some advice or reassurance.
I have a real crazy pressure on the bridge of my nose and at the front of my head. I have had this for months but it is so much more noticeable and causing real dizziness and pressure. This then causes some sort of weakness in my body, shortness of breath and chest pain. Feels like I am going to pass out. It's horrible. I can be walking the dog and feel like I can't go any further without passing out or my head exploding with the pressure. Another weird symptom I am getting is a crazy smell up my nostrils, particularly in the morning. It scares me when I google it!! If I blow or rub my nose with a tissue, it almost releases the smell even stronger. I have has this for months too but kept ignoring it, just like the dizziness and pressure around my nose. Even though it was debilitating and I couldn't do day to day things without feeling I could collapse.
I am struggling and constantly feeling ill. I have done for months. I've been to the doctor and they keep giving me vertigo tablets which do NOTHING. I went for a massage not long ago and had such a dizzy turn that I felt I was going to fall off the table which turned into me feeling very ill after it. I sometimes get zaps in my head or what feels like my brain shaking. Sometimes it can feel like I'm in an elevator and it drops to the ground. It's horrendous. I never feel safe.

I google - I get stroke, cancer, Parkinson disease, tumor... I am terrified and I'm fed up!:weep:


08-04-20, 18:14
Sounds more like sinus problems in your nose than anything serious.

08-04-20, 18:38
It sounds to me like sinusitis. Why not take a walk to your pharmacy tomorrow and get some OTC medication, see if it helps? I get horrid head and facial aches, and also an increase of mucus, I've had more relief from Sinutabs than just paracetamol when I get these symptoms, but the pharmacist will be able to advise you.

its worth a try, Hope you feel better soon

08-04-20, 18:45
Thanks for replying. I appreciate it. Yeah, I think so too. Think I'm sending myself into a spiral of panic every time I get a little attack of pressure. I have suffered from panic for years but more and more symptoms are appearing and convinced I can't feel this ill every day and not have something horrific wrong with me.
This smell is terrifying me.
I'll try and get in touch with a doctor. Thank you!

06-06-24, 12:54
Hello, what was it in the end? I hope you're well