View Full Version : Sinus problems worried

08-04-20, 18:42
Worried about my sinus problems i have blocked nose most of the time worst on my left side pain in the cheeks and my teeth but not constant headache ear poping dizziness slight ringing in my ear my left eye feels like it is watering more now as well i have been given antibiotics still not got better thinking the worst anyone else suffer from bad sinuses and have any advice for me . I have spoke to my doctor and said can he send me to an ENT specialist but he said he can not make any referrals at the minute because of the corona virus really worried . I have had sinus problems before but thinks this is the worst they have been

08-04-20, 19:30
I get all those symptoms.
Manuka Honey helps, so does chamomile tea.
Wear sunglasses too.

08-04-20, 19:46
Thanks for your reply will give them a go just can not stop thinking the worst Anxiety really high at the minute.

08-04-20, 20:12
Pollen is very high at the moment

09-04-20, 03:00
Full on panic now started with blood coming from my nose I can not see a way out of this it most be something serious don't know what to do

09-04-20, 06:47
Like a nose bleed or did you wipe and there was a bit of blood?
You can always contact your doctor again.

09-04-20, 07:04
when i blew my nose I am so scared i have not slept all night

09-04-20, 07:18
But how much blood? Is it still bleeding?
It’s so common in sinus issues to get a little blood every now and then. I had this yesterday. Your nose is so sensitive to irritation inside.

Go to sleep, get some rest.

09-04-20, 10:53
Hi scass no it wasn't that much blood but enough i went into full panic mode because of all the symptoms I am having . I have spoken to my doctor this morning and asked him to send me for a fast track ENT appointment but he wont he said i dont have enough for him to do that and they will probably reject it just so worried that it is cancer .

13-04-20, 10:57
Well i spoke to my doctor again today by phone and he still won't send me for any ENT tests . I still don't feel any better and he thinks it is just sinusitis but I am not convinced . Feeling fed up that he not taking me serious because i have health anxiety . He said if it is still the same in a few months he may send me .

13-04-20, 22:06
Omg!! I feel like our timing is so aligned because I have also been having sinus issues. My head hurts and my left nostril is blocked. My ears and nose (yes, weird I know) keep popping! It’s just that time of year

13-04-20, 23:43
Do you also smell smoke and have ringing in your ears and dizziness

15-04-20, 04:58
Ringing in my ears, yes! The smell of smoke and dizziness - no. The dizziness is common with sinus problems though because it’s connected to the ear and your inner ear helps with balance. Smell of smoke just sounds like your sense of smell is all fuzzy because of the sinus issues

16-04-20, 23:49
Feeling so fed up don't feel like i am getting any better still feeling the same . Feel like i need to go to A&E and see what they say as my doctor doesn't seam to be bothered as i have rang him at least 5 times and keeps fobing me off .

17-04-20, 00:07
Considering your post history and based on the current crisis we're all facing, it would be very unwise to go to A&E over this and expose yourself to the possibility of coming in contact with someone who's infected with the virus. Your doctor knows you for sure and your post history affirms it. Take the advice given and get some OTC allergy meds to help with your allergies.

Positive thoughts

17-04-20, 00:19
Cheers Fishmanpa i was thinking the same about going to A&E but just can not see away out of this hole at the minute thinking the worst .

27-05-20, 22:02
Hi Lee I know exactly what your going through I have all the exact same symptoms blood from my nose headaches everyday all the ringing whooshing etc constantly blocked nose it's been months now apparently I may have glue ear which has caused all the mucus to block my nose so please get your ears check